Meeting the Diggory Boy

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"Bye Cedric!"

3rd Person POV:

*The morning everyone travels to the Quittich World Cup.*

Mrs. Weasley was walking through the bed rooms to get everyone up.

She opens the door to Ginny's room.

"Up! Come on! Move it!"

Y/n slowly stirs awake.

Hermione and Ginny jump up and start getting ready.

"You girls get ready and head down to breakfast, I'm going to get the boys up."

Y/n shot out of bed.

"Don't worry about them Molly, I can wake them up for you."

"Thank you dear." She turned and went back downstairs.

Y/n walked upstairs quietly so she didn't wake Charlie, Percy, or Bill.

Charlie and Bill are sleeping in the twins room so the twins are sleeping in Ron's room along with Harry.

Y/n creaked the door open slowly.

Fred and George were on the floor.

Fred was drooling.

Harry's hair is messier than usual and his glasses are on the nightstand.

Ron is snoring loudly with his mouth wide open.

Y/n cast a charm so it would sound like she was yelling in each of their ears.

It was kind of tricky because she hadn't cast that charm in while.

She said into the tip of her wand in a normal voice,

"Wake up."

But it was ten times louder in Fred, George, Ron and Harry's ears.

They shot up because of the,

"WAKE UP!!!"

That was heard right in their ears.

"BLOODY HELL!" Ron shouted.

"WHAT THA-" George yelled out.

"MERLIN!" Fred said.

"wOoH!" Harry said, because he fell off of his bed.

Y/n was clutching her sides because of how hard she was laughing.

Harry stood up, rubbing the back of his head where he hit it.

"Blimey Y/n." he said.

But he couldn't help notice how cute she was with a messy bun.

She looks cute with her hair like that.

As a friend.

Nothing else.

She's just a friend.

A friend.

Who looks good in the mornings with a messy bun.


Ron snapped in his face.

Harry blinked a couple of times and looked at him.

"You've been staring at the door for 30 seconds."

"Oh, uh. I was-daydreaming."

Ron eyed him suspiciously but didn't say anything else.

They headed downstairs where the girls were already eating breakfast.

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