Quiddich practice and Sneaking out

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"Say that all you want mate, but have you seen the way he looks at you?"

A/n: I made this chapter about a thousand words longer than usual.

Y/n's POV:

Ever since finding out from Dad that I will go back to Beauxbatons... I haven't been exactly the same.

I didn't tell anyone.

I don't want to.

I'm extremely crossed with Dad.

Hogwarts is my home.

My comfort place.

I can't leave it.

And Fleur already graduated so the only other friend I would have would be Louise, but she's very popular so she probably wouldn't pay much attention to me.

I would be alone...again.

But let's try to focus on the friends and family currently around me.

Hermione knew something was off about me, but she chose not to say anything I suppose, because she hadn't mentioned it to me.

The night after I got the letter, I furiously wrote a bunch of things on a piece of paper about Dad and how much I hate him for doing this to me.

I ended up ripping the paper and throwing the pieces out of the window along with Dad's letter.

I could tell my mood was getting worse, but I tried to hide it as I didn't want any of my friends to suspect anything.

Anyway... I had survived History of magic today without falling asleep.

Now we're in Transfiguration, trying to perform the Arrow-Shooting spell at targets.

So far, I'm able to get the stick of the arrow, but not the head or the tail.

Harry can get the feathers on the end of the arrow, but nothing else.

Ron can't get any of it and Hermione can't get the tail.

"How do you-do-this-stupid-thing!?" Ron says as he beats his wand in between nearly every word.

I was getting a shorter and shorter stick with each go, loosing focus and consistency.

Harry must've noticed because he asked about it.

"I'm-...just tired." I lie.

I actually try the spell this time and manage to get the whole arrow, just without feathers.

I try again, with less focus.

The only thing I can think of is how I won't be here with my three best friends for a while.

The bell ringing snaps me out of my thoughts.

I lower my wand and sling my bag over my shoulder.

We walk to the Great Hall for lunch.

I sit down on the bench and my goblet fills itself with juice.

"Ugh, Gross." I say, tasting to see what substance was in the cup.

"Cranberry juice is really good for you Y/n." Hermione says. "It has lots of vitamin C."

"It's pretty gross though."

"I like it." Harry says.

Ron and Hermione try it.

Ron cringes at it and Hermione looks indecisive.

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