A Not So Happy Christmas (pt. 1)

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"The farther she is from him, the better."

Y/n's POV:

I wake up to an empty bed.

Harry must've already moved back to his room.

I look at the small clock on the little table by my bed, only to find it extremely early in the morning.

It is a holiday though so I get out of bed to be greeted with coldness.

The house is freezing.

I put some fuzzy socks on that Ginny got me for my birthday a year ago.

I don't put on a jumper though because I plan on wearing the new Weasley jumper.

I gather everyone's Christmas gift in a bag and place each one outside of everyone's doors.

I leave the necklace for Harry in my bedroom though.

I quietly tiptoe down the stairs because it's early and because I don't want to wake Grandma Black's portrait.

I hear quiet talking, but not quiet enough as I near the kitchen.

"She can handle herself, she doesn't need to be sent away Sirius."

"I want to protect her."

"You hardly even pay attention to her!"

"What do you mean? Of course I pay attention to her. I gave her her own room didn't I?"

"You're not showing her enough love. Ever since Harry-"

"Harry's had no family his entire life because of me. So don't blame me if I try to be a father figure to him."

Uncle Moony sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"That's wonderful, that you're trying to be there for Harry? But you're too eager to be a dad for Harry that you're forgetting to be a dad for your real daughter."

"They're both my children." Dad says after a minute. "And I can do whatever I please and what I'm trying to do is protect my child."

"Your child that knows more spells than you? The child that broke her cousin's nose? The same child that nearly killed the man who murdered her mother?! You're not protecting her, you're torturing her! By sending her away from the only thing that comforts her."

"Stop trying to change my mind Remus. It's final. Just until that teacher is sacked. Then she can go back to Hogwarts."

Uncle Moony's voice softens when he next speaks,

"Haven't you seen how she acts around Harry? He's her safe place. And sending her to a different country will take away that safe place."

I can't breathe out of my nose because I'm crying, but I try to stay silent.

"Sending her away will protect her from You Know Who. He's risen again and he's after Harry. We all know that. The farther she is from him, the better." Dad says.

After a bit of silence, Uncle Moony says, "You're going to have a fun time explaining that to Harry...and Molly...and Kingsley...and-"

"Ok I get it! You can quit quilt tripping me now thanks." Dad sighs. "The kids will be getting up soon. We should start making breakfast."

"We're not done with this conversation Sirius, but I do agree, I am getting a bit hungry."

I turn and start up the stairs, but the step creaks and I hear the conversation stop.

I sprint up the steps and turn the corner as fast as I can, but I think someone at the bottom caught a glimpse of me.

Judging by the outfit colors I catch, I think it's Uncle Moony.

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