A Not So Happy Christmas (pt.2)

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"I just told him to cheer her up not snog her face off."

(A/n: I didn't proofread so here is basically a draft.)

3rd Person POV:

After Y/n looks like she didn't just cry, she and Harry leave the bathroom.

Harry opens his door, only to find a bunch of pictures of him and Y/n that he knows Fred and George took.

They appear to be stitched onto his blanket.

"Awww....damn it." He says as he tries to pull one off.

It doesn't come off.

"Welp. Looks like I'm screwed when Sirius finds this."

"Whot are you yapping about? It's like...really early." Ron says with his back turned to his best mate.

"Your brothers...are a nightmare." Harry says and drops the blanket. "Also, your gifts are outside the door."

Ron groans and sits up at this.

He opens the door to collect his presents and brings them to his bed to be opened.

Harry goes to the chest of drawers and opens the top one.

He pulls out the small box and tells Ron he'll be back.

Harry closes the door and walks to the door at the end of the hall.

Y/n hears a gentle knock at the door while she's collecting the photos that Fred and George scattered on her floor rather than charming them to the ceiling.

She puts the stack that's in her hand in the shoe box with all of her important things and opens the door.

Harry looks up when he hears the door open and smiles.


"Hi, came to give you your Christmas present." He says, holding the box up a bit.

"I've got yours in here too." Y/n says and turns to walk to her wardrobe.

Harry enters the room he's too familiar with and closes the door.

He sits on the small bed while Y/n closes the wardrobe door with a black box in her hand.

She sits on the bed next to him, their legs and shoulders touching.

They both try to hand each other's gifts at the same time.

Y/n laughs and grabs Harry's gift.

Harry watches her laugh and just admires her while smiling slightly.

He realizes that he'd been staring so he looks at the gift in Y/n's hand and puts it on his lap.

"You go first."

"No, you."

"Same time?"



They both open their box and Y/n pulls out a ring.

Harry pulls out a necklace.

"Wait...did you go to-"

"-that weird shop in the Village?"

"Yeah...is...is your necklace warm?"

"Yeah, you know what that means?"

"They're the pair." Y/n says, smiling at the beautiful ring in her hand.

"Can you put this on me?" Harry asks.

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