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"Y/n Ivrean, would you like to be my date to the Yule Ball?"

3rd person POV:

Ever since Professor McGonagall mentioned needing a date to the Yule Ball, Harry had been thinking of how to ask Y/n.

He would ask to go as friends of course though because things might get weird between them.

He's planned it out with Ron.

He's going to go to her favorite spot by the Black Lake to do "work" and then he'll ask her.

Meanwhile Y/n and Hermione have been talking about how Y/n kind of wants Harry to ask her, but knows it won't happen, and Hermione is kind of hoping for Victor Krum to ask her.

Y/n squealed when Hermione confessed this.

"Ron ne sera pas content."

(Ron will not be happy.)

"I don't know what you just said but okay." She says as she grabs her bag.

"Where are you going?"

"The library. See you in 5th period."

"Alright, don't do anything stupid without me."

She stops opening the door and looks at the girl laying on her bed and gives her a, "seriously" look.

"You're all of the stupid. It's staying with you."

"Oh yeah? Who drew hearts next to his name and giggled weirdly just to get Lockhart's attention then?"

Hermione whips around.

"How do you know about that?!"

"Oh, I have my ways." Y/n says while looking at her nails.

"I also have to get a nail job. My cuticles are worse than Dumbledore's toe hair."

Hermione pulls a disgusted look.

"Never repeat that sentence again."

She leaves the dorm but pokes her head back in.

"And I'm tagging along." Then she shuts the door.


Y/n heads down to the tree by the Black Lake where she's supposed to meet Harry for a study sesh.

As she's about to walk out of the hall that surrounds the quart-yard, she bumps into someone.

"Sorry, I-"

She notices who she bumps into.


"Just the lady I was looking for." He says with a smile.

"Oh, ok. Why?"

"Y/n Ivrean, would you like to be my date to the Yule Ball?"



Well, Harry probably won't ask me anyway so...

"Uhm,... sure!"



"Ok, ok great! I will be outside the Gryffindor common room at 8:00 to pick you up on Christmas Eve."

"Ok, great! See you then Cedric!" Y/n says as she walks away from the boy.

Y/n sits down at the tree where Harry already is.

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