Chapter 1

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Two years ago (She is eighteen)

"Are you sure you can walk the rest of the way?" Amanda asked, glancing behind me to the empty dirt road.

"Yeah I promise I'm fine." I assured her with a small smile.

She seemed hesitant, her brown eyes darting behind me again before she finally nodded. "Okay I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah definitely."

I watched as she shifted the from park to drive, waving as she started to drive down the road again.

When she was gone I turned around, starting my long walk up my driveway.

My home sat about a mile off the main road, tucked back into the ever-growing forest. It was the perfect place for my mother and I to keep away from the overbearing neighboring pack and nosy humans. Both tend to get curious and invade on others so having as much distance between us was a good thing.

I usually would take the bus home from school that dropped me at a stop two miles down the road but today one of my teachers decided to hold me back for a sigh he took as disrespect.

Despite my desire to give him something better to complain about I couldn't. Even if they only thought I was human it wouldn't matter, I wasn't a wolf or a vampire so in their eyes I was below them.

A hundred years ago vampires came out of hiding, deciding to change society completely. Instead of humans in control with other species afraid to exposing themselves they took over, claiming superiority over them. Now Vampires ruled over almost everything with werewolves almost equal to them. Of course humans were pushed to the bottom, used more for food or entertainment now.

Witches however were a different story. When the rebellion first took place they tried to stop it, keep some type of balance but it didn't work. Instead the vampires and werewolves made it their mission to eradicate the species, ensuring no one could overthrow them. Then just to be safe they scared humans into helping.

Amanda was one of my only human friends. That would change very quickly if she figured out I was a witch.

The gravel crunched under my shoes as I got closer to the small cottage, white rocks mixed with dirt. I rounded the large maple that sat just in front of our yard.

Despite being in southern Massachusetts the home was styled as an older English styled cottage. The exterior was had a rough texture that was painted a cream color, spots of light brown scattered from years of gardening mishaps. The roof was made of wood that held a caramel brown tone to it but would turn much dark on rainy days. Around the building was a small white picket fence covered in vines and chipped in several places.

The house was completely surrounded by plants, vines growing up the sides while untamed flowering bushes framed the perimeter. The back was worse for sure, an overflowing green house that covered a patch of yard.

The inside was no better, most windows hosting pots either resting on the sill or hanging from above. Wooden beams often held our herbs as we dried them while our kitchen countertops were covered with glass bottles.

Regardless of the mess no place ever felt more like home to me.

I mindlessly watched my feet kick up some gravel, moving the pink paper from my right hand to my left as I reached the white gate.

I pushed it open, making sure it didn't slam shut before continuing up the now cobble walkway.

My eyes scanned over several of the plants in the front yard, noting some drooping leaves and a flower with one petal browning at the tip.

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