Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sound of feet pacing back and forth in front of my door making me jolt up and push myself against the headboard.

My racing heart slowed down when I realized where I was and I relaxed slightly. That moment didn't last long when I remembered I had to be ready by six. My eyes flickered over the room finding no type of clock or sign to tell me what time it was.

I figured it had to be close to six because of the people outside so I jumped out of bed and began to get ready.

I ran into the bathroom and stripped out of my current clothes, changing my underwear, brushing my teeth and putting on deodorant then going into my room to assemble my uniform.

The outfit was folded in several sections so I started spreading it out.

The main piece was a light blue button up dress that had short sleeves and a white collar. There was also a white apron that had two deep pockets and two strings to tie around my waist. Next to the dresser was a set of black flats.

Not wasting time in over examining the outfit I picked up the dress, unbuttoning it and slipping it on like a jacket before buttoning it all the way up again. I placed the apron flat on my stomach then tied a tight bow on my lower back, doubling knotting it just in case.

I went back into the bathroom and grabbed a hair tie out of the container I had brought in last night. Using a brush I pulled my hair into a medium length ponytail.

I rushed back out and slipped on my shoes before grabbing my list and folding it then tucking it into my pocket.

When I opened the door I wasn't surprised to see multiple people walking up and down the hallway.

I had several other maids glace my way but they quickly went back to whatever they were doing.

From the windows in front of me I could see the sun had risen already but it was still relatively low so it wasn't that late.

I followed the path Sabina showed me last night and walked towards the end of the hall, pushing in the smaller stone and pulling open the door. Just as I thought last night it was incredibly heavy and I struggled to open it enough for myself.

I squeezed through the opening and let go of the door allowing it to close behind me making the room go dark.

The lights were still on as promised but even in the day it did nothing. I carefully climbed the stairs, holding onto the wooden railing so I wouldn't fall all the way if I did trip again.

At the first door I opened it, gazing out into the hallway not seeing anyone.

A little ways down in the main kitchen I only saw one other servant. She was already at the stove working on breakfast for the vampires I guessed.

I walked passed her and into what Sabina called the servants kitchen surprised to see so many people inside. They were scattered throughout the small area but behind them there was another room filled with tables and chairs.

I smiled at some of the ones who looked my way as I actively searched for Sabina.

I spotted her sitting next to a man at one of the tables, chatting and eating what looked like eggs.

As I made my way over she caught my eye, waving with a smile. "I was hoping you'd make it for breakfast." She said as I got closer.

"Yeah I don't have a clock so I wasn't sure if I was late or not."

"Oh my goodness I completely forgot!" She gasped. "I'll speak with Rebecca and get you one."

I opened my mouth to tell her not to bother but I realized it was actually something I would need to make it up on time.

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