Chapter 52

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I rose as silently as I could waiting for one of the guys to pop their heads in. The doors stayed shut. My eyes flickered to the cart that was still by the table. It was within a few feet of the door but there were knives on it.

I ran that way, picking up the knife as the door opened. I held it in my right hand, tucking one into my waist band while showing I had the other one.

A beastly looking man entered the room. His green eyes darted to me immediately holding a look of threatening discovery. I kept the knife up in his direction. I could feel myself settling into a resolve. I would have to fight. The guards were nowhere near me. They were supposed to keep track of the wolves closer to the entrance to make sure they didn't wonder. Clearly something had happened.

"I guess the others were right," his gravely was full of ego, "The leech king is hiding the witch."

He moved in my direction like a predator would stalk its prey. Slow yet eager to jump. I stepped back and to the left as he came to my right. I would try to get a clear shot to the door. Finding a guard was my best option right now.

"How did you get up here?" I asked, happy and surprised my voice came out as threatening as it did. It was low and sharp.

"There's more than one way up a mountain no?" He teased darkly.

Then there had to be more. If they went in a different direction they wouldn't have gone alone. I wondered if they were all able to slip through or if some got caught by vampires. They would be dead if that happened. I would have to assume they all made it. It make my risk greater but I didn't want to be a hopeful fool.

I continued to shift my footing as he did, keeping the knife between us, "Come on little red. Don't make me come get you." His tone was sickeningly sweet. It told me he wanted me to make him get me.

"He'll kill you for this." I told him. Alastor was going to kill him just for looking at me but I wanted him to second guess his actions. I needed a hint of doubt or pause to allow me to bolt.

His body moved out of the way of the doorway as he neared me. He was making an arch like path as he came to my right. I could tell he was avoiding the knife. It was silver which would hurt him twice as much as a regular one. It almost made me smile. I need to commend Alastor on his silverware choice.

"I welcome the fight." He said then lunged for me.

I ducked away from him quickly and sprinted for the door. He was a large man but he was still a wolf meaning I didn't have speed on my side right now.

I got to the open door as he grabbed me causing a shout to leave my mouth. Using the door he didn't open I braced my foot against it and shoved as hard as I could. It made him stumble back and I didn't give him a chance to recover as I slashed the knife against his forearm. He cried out and his grip slacked. I dug the knife in deeper then wiggled my body so I dropped from his grip. He tried to grab me again but I twisted my body to stab into his neck. The blood splattered as I ripped the silver back out.

I didn't wait to see his chance of survival, scrambling to get my footing then running down the stairs. The cold stone bit into my bare feet as I ran. I hardly felt anything except a dull sting. My breathing was rapid and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. The royal wing was empty making the sound of my escape echo loudly through the hall.

I skid to a stop halfway down the stairs when I spotted two more wolves. They were looking to the left when my motions caught their attention. I watched as they examined my now bloody state then start my way. The closest one reached out and I swiped the knife at him only for him to grab my wrist harshly. He twisted it making me drop the knife. With the other one closing in I pressed my left hand to the wolfs chest then called for my abilities. They rushed to the surface and bolts of electricity sparked beneath my palm frying his shirt. His body spasmed and then he dropped to the ground. I went to do the same for his friend who I now noticed had a gun.

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