Chapter 17

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What was my biggest fear? The list was long. The Alpha finding me and killing me. The wolves at the bottom of the mountain figuring out who came up here and calling for the Alpha. The king figuring out what I was and killing me on the spot. Him figuring it out and drawing out my death. Having to run again but this time with the king's army chasing me. His guards or siblings finding out and finishing me themselves. Each fear was the same. That someone who knew I was a witch would kill me. However there were a hundred different people that could be. One was sitting in front of me.

"Spiders." I didn't have to fake uneasiness at the subject, "They freak me out."

"Really?" He seemed surprised.

I nodded, "Yeah. I mean they have eight eyes and legs with huge fangs in the front. Plus they build their webs, which are pretty much invisible, in areas you wouldn't expect. So you walk right into them or have to get something where they are. And the way they are so fast, no matter how big, they run at you until you have to kill them. They're creepy."

I had to use some of the excuse I thought would be acceptable. Truth was they didn't scare me. I actually left them alone most of the time because they were good for the ecosystem and didn't bother me. I only didn't like when they dropped down onto me unexpectedly. Other than that I had no qualms with them.

In all honestly I was only afraid of my secret getting out and the Alpha. Once you had faced death bugs couldn't scare you anymore. I wasn't scared of snakes or lizards, even predatory animals. Vampires and werewolves were much more dangerous. Even the humans I couldn't trust.

He still looked a bit surprised, "What did you think I was going to say? Snakes?" I wanted to hear his answer. This would help in case he really did suspect something.

He shook his head, "No. I'm not sure, just not that." He admitted.

"Why not that?"

"Because you like to hike and garden. There's spiders everywhere in those places. Plus I know the greenhouse had some."

"Yeah it did. I used a broom then ran out." I lied about the second part, "And for the hiking I just avoid those webs. I don't stray far from the trail."

He bit back a laugh on the first part probably envisioning me running out of the greenhouse scared of the spiders. Maybe in his dreams I would react like that.

"Your turn, what's your biggest fear?"

He took a second to think about it, "I don't really have any right now."

"Typical." I felt brave enough to say. He was so normal right now.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because men never have any fears." I mocked a bit, "You ask any man what their fear is and they tell you nothing. You know they have one but they don't want to admit it."

"Humans sure." He threw back, "But I'm a vampire. What do I have to fear? I know a wooden stake or enough saxifrage might harm me however the person would have to face me to do it." He pointed out, "Everything else is laughable. Wolves and lions, diseases or natural disasters. I could survive them all."

That did make sense. I suppose when only a few things can kill you, you wouldn't fear the rest. He had a hand full of superhuman abilities that was always to his advantage as well. Speed, strength, durability. They all helped him stay at the top of the food chain.

"I will say that before I changed I was afraid of bears." He admitted, "We had a lot of attacks around my village and I knew how dangerous they were. When I used to hunt with my father it was always a fear I had, to be eaten by a bear."

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