Chapter 45

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This was a bad idea. A really bad idea. I shouldn't have agreed to do this. Everyone down there was a vampire that held a powerful position. I didn't have much luck with regular vampires. Actually the only luck I had was with Alastor. And Emiliano but that was different. They were friends, he found a way to understand.

My mind was spinning with everything that could go wrong. It was everything I had already thought of but now that I was within minutes of facing my worries it suddenly was too much, my mind ran with different scenarios.

First off they'd think I was human which I guarantee they won't like. Humans were at the bottom not meant to even think about climbing the social hierarchy.

Second I was with the king, which was definitely worse than showing up with a clans leader. They'd see it as an insult.

Third if they, even for a moment, suspected me a witch they'd all demand the king kill me right then and there.

Right bad idea.

"Vada are you almost ready?" Alastors voice sounded from behind the bathroom door.

I jumped at the sudden break in my anxiety filled silence.

I hesitated on what to say. Maybe I should fake an illness. If I passed out now would it be enough to him to let me stay here?

"I'm coming in." He said before the doorknob turned, a small click noise signaling he had broken the lock.

"I would've opened the door." I said quietly, trying not to sound panicked.

He was almost completely dressed in his suit, only the top two buttons undone and he was missing his tie. I was still in my strapless bra and underwear, but he didn't seem to notice in the moment.

He dismissed the comment, "I can hear your heart racing," he came towards me and I turned to fully face him, "there's nothing to be nervous about."

He pulled me against him, his arms wrapping around my body. I relaxed some, my body naturally leaning into his.

"Easy for you to say." I mumbled.

"I suppose it is." He said his hand rubbing soothingly on my upper back.

His hands moved to my waist before picking me up then immediately sitting me on the countertop.

His body came between my legs, "Tell me what's making you so nervous."

My hands fidgeted in my lap, "The same thing as before. They'll think I'm human and hate me. And what if they find out I'm a witch? If they talked to the wolves and know to look for me. I think it's best to stay up here." I rambled out.

He patiently waited for me to finish, listening without taking his eyes off my face.

"Vada I've told you this earlier. They won't say anything to you. No one will disrespect you or insult you in anyway." He swore, "And I really don't care if they like that you're with me. I like that you're with me and that's all that matters, yes?"

"Yes." I agreed, still worried about the first part but I liked what he said at the end.

"As for the witch thing I doubt anyone has had contact with the wolves. Even if they have I'll deal with them." He seemed so sure.

I nodded, still not completely calm but it was better than before.

"Vada I would never put you in danger."

I gave a look, that statement was questionable considering some of the things I've been through since I got here. Plus the fact I was going into a room of at least a hundred irritable vampires.

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