Chapter 28

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Waking up in the morning the first thing I noticed was Alastor wasn't here. My eyes roamed the room for any sign of him but there was none. Going slow I got out of bed, wincing here and there as I went towards the bathroom. I used the restroom and brushed my teeth before I heard the door close from outside. Slipping on his robe I opened the door to the bathroom, Alastor now inside the bedroom.

I smiled softly at him. "Hey, I wasn't sure when you were going to be back."

His eyes ran over me before meeting my blue ones. "I had some unexpected issues come up."

He looked less than pleased at whatever had happened. "What happened?"

He took a seat in one of the single chairs and I moved closer to him, aiming for the couch before he reached his hand out. I placed mine in his and he gently tugged me towards him, pulling me down onto his lap. I sat sideways on his legs, my lower back pressing into the cushioned arm of the chair. I angled my torso to face him.

"A clans leader has caused some trouble with the wolves. I'll have to step in," he explained.

My eyes stayed on his. "And you don't want to?"

"I don't have a choice." He didn't deny my guess. "I told him earlier not to mess up and he has."

"So what will you do?" I asked with some hesitation.

It was odd to say the least. Vampire and werewolf business was never discussed with humans unless absolutely necessary. He technically didn't have to tell me anything but here he was being completely open.

"I sent my personal army to help with the wolves," he said with more annoyance than anything else, his hand moving to play with my hair. "Then I'll pick a new clan leader."

His eyes followed his fingers as they twisted the ends of my hair into a curl. "Will you have to leave to do that?"

"No draga mea." He shook his head slightly, looking back up to me. "I already know who I want to take his place. I had a feeling for a while he was going to screw up."

I didn't respond, not really having anything more to say. I knew what he would do to replace the clan leader, they couldn't just walk away from the position. Regardless he had clearly went against something Alastor had warned him about which sealed his fate. He'd be dead within a few days I would wager.

"The real annoyance is that I'll have to push the upcoming meetings back," he continued with my silence. "Probably a week or so."

"Well the good news about that is that no one's started preparing yet," I said. Then jokingly, "not that you'd know."

He glared at me but the look didn't affect me, knowing he didn't mean it. He popped me on my outer thigh as a warning. "Watch it."

I bit back a smile in attempts to hide I found humor in his warning; it didn't work. He grinned maliciously, roughly crashing his lips to mine taking me completely off guard at the harshness though by now I shouldn't be. Alastor wasn't the sweet type when it came to the bedroom.

His hands locked onto my body, shifting me so that I was straddling him.

"Alastor I have to work today," I breathed out when he started down my neck, his hands running wild over my body.

"You can be late," he countered; his voice much deeper than it had been before.

My mind whirled when he nipped my neck harshly, the skin practically begging for him to puncture it. I tried to see reason, to remember why I had to go but everything blurred in his presence. All I could feel was him. It was all I wanted.

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