Chapter 11

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For the first time in a while I was glad to hear the kings voice. Instead of hearing a potential threat to my hidden identity I heard someone who would actually help me. At least that is what he was proving right now.

When I turned to face him better his harsh gaze was not on me but Ekansh. I wanted to flinch away regardless; it was much crueler than I had ever seen him.

"Release her." He snapped out an order to the guard.

The tight grip on my hair was gone within a second. I stood up straighter and stepped in the kings direction, not getting too close but I'd rather be beside him than the other two vampires.

"Your highness I can explain this—"

"I did not ask you to speak." The king silences Ekansh immediately.

My eyes held steady on the floor; I didn't want to see either of their expressions anymore. It was worse than the vampires on the street.

"What happened?" His tone was almost unreadable, the anger still brewing beneath a calm façade.

The hall was silent and it took me looking up to realize he had directed the question towards me. I didn't want to relay the attack in front of my attacker but I was sensing I had no choice.

"I was in the storage room and he attacked me." My voice coming out a bit softer than I wanted it to. I thought by my state he would have concluded that fact himself.

I was sure I had a few bruises forming on my arm and my neck was still bleeding onto my torn dress, my hair disheveled from the guard and I knew my face was red from crying.

"She's lying your highness! I gave her a choice and when I was close enough she attacked me. The scissors are right there!" Ekansh tried to lie.

His words sent a rush of anger through me, my teeth gritting together and my eyes now glaring into the floor.

"Did he give you a choice?" The king directed to me.

"No." I snapped harder than I should have at a royal.

He didn't seem to notice the slip, "Vada come here." He gestured for me to come closer to him. I met his eyes with caution, noticing how they held a hint of red to them. I had seen that before however I wasn't sure if it was my eyes tricking me or not.

When I was close enough to him he guided me a few stepped down the hall, placing his hands on my shoulders and making me face the empty hallway, "Don't move." He instructed.

I felt a chill run over me at his tone, it was too calm. It made me fearful for what was lurking beneath but something told me I wasn't in the realm of danger right now.

I didn't hear him walk back or any sound of struggle but I did hear a horrifying snap like noise followed my something wet tearing. When the sound of one heavy object followed by another lighter object hitting the floor I realized what had happened. Ekansh would not be a problem anymore.

"Clean this up." The king muttered.

My entire body jerked when a hand was placed on the small of my back. I hadn't heard him walk up.

"Calm down." He whispered towards me, his hand applying pressure so that I would walk with him.

His words didn't help. He had just decapitated someone within ten feet of me. I wasn't upset that the vampire had died but it was how close it had happened to me. In all my years on the run I tried to stay away from werewolves and vampires for this reason. They were violent. Too violent for my liking. Even so I still felt no remorse for the man who attacked me. In fact I was glad he was dead. One less vile creature out there.

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