Chapter 41

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"Show me." He gestured for me to come closer to him.

Slowly I moved so that I could sit in front of him but that didn't seem to be close enough for him. He gripped my waist and pulled me onto his lap, helping me so that I straddled him. His hands rested right on my hips, his thumbs brushing against my hip bone.

I was hesitant to show him what he wanted. It was one thing to accept the idea of something, but to actually see the result might be too much. I knew he said he's never hurt me however I couldn't help my survival instincts that reminded me people can change their minds.

His hands moved to collect mine, shifting them so that hovered between us. "I want to see, will you please show me?" His tone told me he knew my thoughts; it was kind and gentle.

Taking a deep breath I positioned my hands so that they faced palm to palm, his hands dropping down to my thighs. It didn't take much to call for my abilities, they were constantly at bay with how little I used them.

I felt a rush of relief run through me as I formed flames between my palms. For a moment I just held the fire in a small ball, then I twitched to electricity, the small lightning strikes flickering between my palms.

My eyes lifted from the zaps, looking to his face with some worry. That melted away when I saw nothing but awe on his face, no sign of anger in sight.

His red speckled eyes watched the sparks fly from palm to palm with interest. "Does it hurt?" He asked, his eyes coming up to meet mine.

I shook my head. "No all I feel is the warmth." I explained.

It had been a full day since we arrived back from Colombia and luckily Alastor agreed to using this time to relax. I hadn't seen anyone but him since I returned and while I was excited to see my friends again I enjoyed having him to myself.

"Have you used your abilities since you've been here?" He asked.

I bit my lip, nodding slightly. "On the plants," I admitted. "If I go too long without using it I start to get antsy."

When I was on the run there would be days were I couldn't risk it and I would hold it in. My body felt riled up, surges of energy traveling through my body with no escape. It made me jumpy and irritated until I eventually caved. I could only imagine how bad it could get if I ignored those feelings.

"On the ones you grew?"

"Yes, technically they should just now be fruiting."

"We've had vegetables for weeks."

"I know." I gave a shy smile.

He glanced to my lips, a smile of his own forming. "You're lucky no one else has a clue how to garden."

He had no idea how much that was true. I had taken a huge risk by speeding up the growth process, anyone with general knowledge of plants should have caught the unusual production. They could have used each vegetable as physical evidence.

"I know that too."

"You said before you left you didn't practice magic while you were here, but you did with the plants." He recalled. "You don't see it the same way." He stated more than he asked.

I shook my head. "There's a difference between what I was born with and spell castings. Spells can be performed by anyone," I paused when his face held surprise and confusion. "They have to have the right supplies and enough intent for it to work."

"So a vampire, werewolf, or human could cast a spell?"

I nodded. "It's not as powerful in comparison to a witch but it can be done. I'm not sure anyone of them would try though, with the current stigma around witches."

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