Chapter 43

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I kept my head down as I made my way through the servant hallways, hoping no one was staring hard enough to recognize me. No one but the king knew I was back yet per my request. I wanted to adjust to being back, to have time to get a handle on everything that happened.

Alastor was more than happy to oblige, practically locking himself inside his room with me. It was something I was slowly getting used to. Alastor was much more open about his feelings and he tended to want to spend every minute he could with me; always finding some way to touch me. I would be lying if I said I didn't love it.

It wasn't until a few days later that I felt up to seeing my old friends again, my mind reeling on what to tell them. Alastor assured me I could tell them the truth, minus the witch part. However I wasn't sure how they would react. A human dating a Vampire wasn't common but the fact that it was the king was even more rare. I know they wouldn't judge me for it too harshly but I feared the others finding out, especially the vampires. They wouldn't like it. They'd want one of their own for a Queen.

I first went into the laundry room looking for Sabina. It was later in the day so they would have already finished breakfast. The room was empty. I quickly walked back into the hidden halls, navigating my way through the chambers until I caught her pushing a cart into a room.

I sped up my pace until I got to the door, hesitating before knocking my fist against the doorframe.

She was knelt by the corner of the bed, tucking in the corner of a stark white sheet. Her blue eyes flashed in my direction with some alarm that shortly turned to disbelief.

"Vada!?" She rose from the bed with a happy shriek. She crossed the room as I entered, throwing her arms around me, "I thought I wouldn't see you again."

I smiled at her reaction, relieved she was happy with my return, "Me either." I hugged her back.

She pulled away from me smiling brightly, "Why are you back?" She asked, "Not that I'm not thrilled. You have no idea how much missed our talks."

I glanced behind me then back to her and her smile faded, "What is it?" She was worried now.

I held up my finger in a wait motion before walking back to the door, closing it so that others couldn't hear our conversation.

"We're not supposed to—"

"It's okay." I assured her.

She didn't look so sure and I didn't blame her. She doesn't know why I wasn't worried about the rules.

"Can I tell you something?" I walked her over to the bed, sitting down at the end, "And you can't tell anyone, not even Eric." Definitely not Eric, the boy couldn't keep his mouth shut for anything.

She nodded, "Of course." She agreed.

"I left because of an issue I had with the king." I was careful not to explain what the issue was.

Her eyes widened with worry but I was quick to relieve that, "Everything's okay now." She relaxed, "I'm back now because Alastor and I agreed it was better that I was here."

She flinched at his name. Another rule she noticed I broke; I wasn't supposed to say his name. It was then her eyes widened so large I thought they'd pop out, "The vampire you were with," She hesitated as if she shouldn't even say it, "It was his highness wasn't it?"

I nodded, "It's why I had to be so secretive before."

"But you're telling me now."

"I feel bad for keeping if from you, you're my friend and I wanted to be honest." As honest as I could afford to be.

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