Chapter 13

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Waking up I was confused at first. I sat up from the bed, looking around the dark room I started to remember what had happened.

Amalia's threat. Ekansh's attack. The kings rescue.

I focused more on the last part, a small smile forming on my lips as I stared down at my covered lap.

Everything he did and said completely took me off guard although it was in a good way. I didn't exactly expect him to throw me back at my attacker but I didn't think he'd kill him. I definitely didn't think he would patch me up himself then hide me away until I was better.

It was honestly sweet which wasn't a word I would have thought to associate him with. Of course he was still intense and I struggled to keep eye contact or answer properly but my drossiness helped some last night. Or day.

My eyes glanced around the room for any window but there wasn't one. I did see a clock that read 3:15 but I wasn't sure if that was AM or PM.

I noticed how there was still the cart of food next to my bed but the seat he was in before was empty. I reached over and picked up some more fruit, taking a sip of the water I hadn't finished.

Just like before I felt fine, sore in some places but I wasn't dizzy. Although I said that last time and almost passed out when I stood to change.

I took my time eating before attempting to get out of bed. When I did I was relieved not to see the room spin but I was slightly lightheaded.

Slowly I made my way into what I assumed was the bathroom, wincing when I flipped on the light. I closed the door behind me, not really paying attention to the room. At first glance it was easily twice the size of my entire room downstairs and I saw some marble and silver but I didn't focus on it.

I used the restroom then took in my appearance in the mirror as I washed my hands.

You could clearly see the bandage on my neck but the one on my shoulder was covered by my pajama top. The patch on my neck contained several spots where the blood had soaked through during my nap. My hair was slightly tangled from sleeping but what I caught was the small amount of blood matted in it at the base of my neck.

Ew. I brought my wet hand up to it and started to halfway clean it. I used tissues that I saw next to the sink to get most of it out now that it was wet.

I knew that I'd have to shower soon but I don't think I could physically do it yet I was still weak.

I did however used the unopened toothbrush and paste to brush my teeth.

Switching off the light I opened the door and walked back out into the dark room, halfway back to the bed when a knock sounded at the door.

I stopped in the middle of the room, turning towards the door, "Come in." I called out making it loud enough that if it was a human they could hear me.

The door opened and the king stepped in, his body taking up most of the doorframe as he came in and shut it behind him.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked walking in my direction.

I nervously shifted some, "A little."

He seemed pleased with my response. It was possible it had to do more with my condition improving but I wanted to say he also was glad I dropped the title. I was hesitant to say his name though, it felt much more personal than I would have originally thought.

"You still look tired." He noticed, his large hand reached out and gently grabbed my uninjured upper arm then turning me back towards the bed, "Sit. You'll need your bandage changed."

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