Chapter 16

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The next day came a little bit lower than I wanted it to. While I was incredibly nervous for this afternoon I was also excited.

I did think of a few more questions last night that I hadn't thought then. Like what exactly was this arrangement? He had stated he wanted to spend more time with me, what would that include?

Then I wanted to know how long this would go on or if I could opt out at any time. I didn't want to at the moment but things could change and I had to look out for myself as well. If at any time he got too close to figuring out what I was I'd have to leave.

I wasn't sure how I was going to do that but it was something I should be thinking about. Vampires were not stupid and from what I've noticed the king sees more than I originally thought.

This time for breakfast Cristin joined Sabrina, Eric, and I which I was surprised to see but it was nice. She was much more expressive and had no filter when it came to anything we talked about.

We all separated when we finished our meals and I headed out to the greenhouse, happy to see the sun bright and unobstructed today.

I wouldn't have much to do in the field part because the of the rain but I made sure to help my plants inside. I grew a few larger leaves on the basil and oregano before making the rosemary sprout fully.

I took my time with every task I did, making sure no one could see me growing anything.

I went outside next and helped the trees I had planted sprout as well then tended to the ones already here.

The trees lined the perimeter of the flat land just a few feet from where the cliff started.

I was rising from the damp dirt when a bright red color caught my eye. Moving closer towards the edge of the sloping forest I could see bush of raspberries. Only a few were ripened enough to pick but the others weren't too far behind. I'd have to wait a few days to harvest as many as I would like but I was happy to see them so close.

I took a minute to look at the steep ground around them, noting a few places I could climb down to get them that wouldn't put me in any danger. The hill was incredibly steep but I was sure with the large trees around I would be able to lean on them to get to the berries, if not for anyone but myself.

Harvesting wild berries and mushrooms was something my mother and I did all the time back home so the thought of being able to do it here made me smile.

I made my way back to the greenhouse, putting away the tools I had used. Glancing out the window I noticed the sun had hardly started to move west meaning it was probably early in the afternoon.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to be alone with him for so long. He was intimidating, both in his looks and deminer. It drew me in but I wasn't sure at what cost. Ha had said to meet him right after I finished. Usually I would go and find someone else to help on days like this but today would definitely be different.

In a way I didn't want to go because I knew exactly what it felt like to be so flustered I couldn't even think straight and that made me nervous. I wanted to be confident but I had no idea how to act in those situations.

Before when I was in school I didn't have a boyfriend. I did kiss a few guys but it was nothing like how it was with him. Then when I went on the run that was the last thing on my mind.

He seemed so sure of everything he did and said. He was blunt and very direct with his words. What worried me the most was that I think he knew how much of an affect his words had on my body. The little smirks or glint in his eye when I'd fidget or blush, all things that only made me react more.

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