Chapter 46

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"What were the others saying last night?" I asked coming out of the closet while buttoning my jeans.

Alastor was waiting for me leaning on the opening to the bathroom so that he was facing the closet.

He shrugged, "A lot of things," He watched me as I came up to him, "Some were surprised while others weren't so happy."

Worry bubbled up in my chest.

"It was nothing in the realm of what you're thinking. No one said anything that led me to believe they would act violently against you or I. Trust me if they had you would have known."

He probably would have killed them there. I felt a bit better knowing it wasn't too drastic.

"They whispered more about me than you," He continued, pulling me flush to him, "They said I was insane and delusional. That they couldn't believe I had finally chosen someone. They whispered about how I couldn't stop looking at you and that you always seemed to be at my side. How they had never seen me smile so much. That I am completely obsessed with you."

His hand came up to brush my cheek, "All true." He lowered his voice, "Your presence consumes me."

I knew that feeling well. When he was near my attention was always straying to him. When he wasn't my mind would remind me constantly of him, my eyes always searching for his. I feel like its stronger every day.

"I love you." Was all I said. It was all I needed to say.

He smiled, "I love you." His lips met mine briefly to my disappointment.

He pushed off the wall and starting walking towards the door, taking me with him. This time I wasn't nervous at all. We had planned last night before leaving the hall to hang out with just Alastors friends today. They weren't set to leave until the day after next and I knew I'd enjoy being around them without the other vampires.

Alsator led us down to a part of a castle I hadn't been to before. There were several doors in the hallway, but he stopped at the second one, looking at me one last time and waiting for my nod before opening it.

As the door opened the sound from the room flooded the hallway. There was music along with laughter mixed in conversation. I could hear the sound of pool balls whacking against each other.

"Hey look who finally showed up!" Joseph shouted as we came in the room.

The room was set up like a bar which surprised me. I didn't realize the castle had stuff like this. It was very sporty and held a pool table that the guys stood around.

"Yeah figured you'd ditch us." Manuel spoke hitting a red stripped ball into the hole.

"It was definitely an option." Alastor threw back.

"How incredibly rude of you Alastor." Joseph tried to scold him in his thick accent, "And in front of a lady."

"Yes wonderful to see you again Vada." Robert smiled my direction. It was a charming smile from the blonde and if I didn't have Alastor to compare him to I would have at least blushed.

"It is the utmost delight to have you in our presence." Emiliano's smile was teasing.

Manuel joined in, "My day has truly begun now that I have seen your face."

Their comments whipped out of them so quickly I wondered if they had prepared them beforehand. I smiled kindly back, not sure what to say but not having much time to as they continued.

"Your smile brings light into an otherwise dark world." Theodore added, picking up a pool stick.

"I must say if you were unaccompanied—"

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