Chapter 32

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Some of this is in Spanish (don't come at me I used google translate 🙃 ik it's not that good) the slanted lines are words I translated into English but the character is 'technically speaking' Spanish. And yes I'm open for corrections it would honestly be so helpful


My life had always been on the edge of change. One side tilting on the side of consistency and the other side hanging into chaos. I walked on the thin ledge when my mother was alive, falling off when she was murdered. Then I found it again when I stumbled into the kings land. This time no one shoved me off that ledge. I jumped.

This time I knew the landing was there. I wasn't free falling into a black hole like I was before. When I had no knowledge of my next location or safe spot until I was there. This time I knew where that was. Barichara, Colombia. It was a place I had never been to before which would work in my favor. No one would recognize me. The clan leader that agreed to Alastors request was one of his closer friends.

In the end, I only had a few minutes to say goodbye to my new friends which consisted of rushing out an excuse Alastor had given me. There was a new position opening up in another territory and I would be better suited there. They weren't too surprised, both hearing of other transfers before but they were sad to see me go. It was difficult to keep it together knowing people I've bonded with I wouldn't be able to see again.

Saying goodbye to Alastor was much harder than I thought it would have been. I was saying goodbye to someone I had grown to truly like, maybe even love. I couldn't allow myself to express that. My goodbye wasn't allowed to be long and emotional; it was forced to be short and with painful eye contact. I was able to thank him a million times over as I left though, truly thankful he had not only let me live but was allowing me to continue doing just that in a possibly safer environment.

Even with the freedom I felt as I left the castle I couldn't help the feeling twisting in my gut on what I was giving up. I was gaining the chance to live my life with some actual security. Staying in a vampires territory was risky but I trusted Alastor's friend because he did. He assured me that I would be safe from the wolves and that the vampires wouldn't be so harsh with the clan leader welcoming me, his words not mine. Either way it gave me an opportunity to go back to living a normal life, like I had before the wolves found my mother and I. To the clan leader I was just another human the king was relocating, something he had done before with other staff members. I would blend.

However I was giving up a chance at an actual connection I had formed with someone I liked. I would miss his presence, his voice, his smile and laughter. I would miss everything about Alastor.

It wasn't hard to see the logic in it though. He would move on eventually, find a vampire that the others would approve of. The thought made me bitter but I had to accept it. He would live much longer than I would, it was inevitable. In time I suppose I would find someone else too though I wasn't sure anyone would be better.

"Señorita," A chipper voice rang out from beside me.

I looked over to the young women who was trying to get my attention. Her bright smile was something I noticed immediately, my nerves calming just at the sight. She was relatively short and had her black ringlet curls pulled back into a ponytail. Her eyes were a caramel brown which only added to my relief, she was human.

"Hola." I greeted with a smile of my own. I inwardly cringed at my attempt to communicate with her, my accent made the word sound weird.

She didn't seem to notice, "Hola! Mi nombre es Natalia." She replied politely and I barely understood what she was saying.

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