Chapter 33

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In the morning I dressed in the jeans, shirt, and boots I had worn when first entered Alastors territory. They had been cleaned long before I left and were some of the only clothes I had. I planned to buy more but I would need to scrounge up some money.

Going into the kitchen I started opening the cabinets hoping the old residents maybe left a cup or something so I could drink some of the tap water. I froze when the first I opened had two shelves full of plates, cups, and bowls.

"What?" I muttered quietly.

My eyes roamed the kitchen with some confusion then I began pulling open the other cabinets. There weren't too many and most of them were empty, only one other having napkins and wipes. The drawer by the stove had silverware and the small fridge have water, fruit, and some meat.

Shock and appreciation ran through me. Emiliano must have stocked everything. I would make sure the next time I saw him to say thank you.

It did seem extremely odd to me still. Emiliano was a clan leader, let alone a vampire. This was so out of character for both of those variables. I didn't have much experience outside of the events to know too much however that was enough for me to get a good idea. Vampires I had enough interaction to know this was far outside of their character. Besides Alastor I had never had a good interaction with the species. They didn't care for humans more than they did for their blood bags. It was what we were to them. Common courtesy was rare so kindness was practically nonexistent.

I boiled it down to whatever Alastor must have told him. It was a long phone call that I wasn't present for. I couldn't begin to guess what that must have entailed.

Reaching in I grabbed a mango and banana as well as a bottled water. I leaned against the countertop as I pealed then ate both fruits. I knew based on my plans this would probably be my only meal until dinner today.

When I was finished I tossed out the peels into a small waste bin I found under the sink then rinsed off my hands.

I grabbed the bright yellow and red translation book, leaning against the counter again as I flipped through it. I knew some words but nothing that would truly help me. Latin suddenly seemed like a dumb elective decision. They offered Spanish in my high school and I thought I'd never need it.

I read quietly to myself the basic phrases that I might need toady. Please and thank you..., I am looking for...or Do you know where..., are you hiring? Was a big one. I knew Emiliano said I wouldn't have to pay for the townhouse, which I didn't agree with, but there were other things too. Food and clothes for starters.

I memorized how certain words looked then dogeared some of the pages so I could get to them quickly.

When I was confident enough, which was hardly at all, I left for the day. I planned to look for a possible job and try to get to know the area better. It was a small village and everything appeared to be within walking distance.

Immediately I felt the heat of the sun as I stepped out. It wasn't even noon and it warmed my skin mere seconds of being under its rays.

That will be something to get used to.

I walked down the street that the town home was on. It slopped downward and each door I passed only led to another residence. Some had small flower boxes on the windows that were painted bright oranges and yellows. The sidewalk was paved but some parts were uneven so I had to glance between my feet and the path ahead.

As I neared the main shopping area I could hear more and more people before I could see them. I turned the corner and spotted some people strung out around what looked like a clothing shop.

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