Chapter 38

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It hadn't even been two months since she left and I was itching to go get her. Emiliano kept me up to date with all of her achievements or struggles. He informed me she had more of the latter. I hated to hear how much she was struggling to adjust and I knew it wasn't the full truth. Vada wouldn't tell him how hard it really was for her so this minimal amount was torment enough.

I had tried to make everything as easy as possible for her transition, picking an area that wasn't as populated and having a home set up for her when she arrived. I explained to Emiliano as much as I could about her personality so he could prepare, much to his annoyance towards the end. I knew I was over doing it but I couldn't just dump her off somewhere and hope for the best. Luckily Emiliano was one of my more extroverted friends so he would be very welcoming.

I tried to not think about her, to focus on keeping track of the pack looking for her so I would know ahead of time if they would be a problem. I didn't want to outright kill them; it would cause problems with other packs but I would if I had to. I wouldn't let them hurt her.

My refocusing attempts never worked. I often had to reread treaties multiple times before I understood what they wanted. My mind plagued me with images of her, her vibrant red hair or ocean blue eyes, her smile or even the freckles on her nose. My body constantly ached for hers. Remembering how it felt to run my fingers through her soft locks, how velvet her skin felt, how right her body felt against mine, in my arms. It was torture.

And that wasn't enough I would dream about her. Every night. The dreams were so realistic I often woke reaching out for her.

My siblings were both overly annoyed with my behavior now. I couldn't find it in me to care. Darius was perplexed on how I could miss what he viewed as an ordinary human so much. He concluded I was insane. Amalia was much harsher in her observations. She saw me as a fool. She couldn't understand how I had seen anything in her to begin with.

"So are we having the last meeting soon or no?" Darius tried to draw my attention back to the conversation he was attempting to have with me.

I internally recoiled from the idea. The last round of meetings I had included the North and South American clan leaders. Emiliano would be required to leave the territory for a week or so. It was when we usually had an uptake in wolf problems. They waited until the leaders were out of the country before attempting anything. Emiliano would be one of those territories at risk, putting Vada at risk.

"Look if this about wherever you sent her just don't include that clan leader. Send an email or something." His voice held his irritation.

It was a possibility. I could leave Emiliano out of the loop for now and just inform him some other way. He would be upset and claim to be missing out but Vada would be safe.

"Alastor honestly you have got to get it together man."

"Darius shut up." I snapped, "If you'd give me more than five seconds maybe I would."

He sat back in his seat, his jaw clenching and unclenching in annoyance. I glared at him, not happy with his last statement. He had no idea how hard this was. I couldn't get it together no matter how hard I tried. Her absences was driving me crazy.

"Why are you two arguing now?" My father came into the room.

He was a physical reminder of another headache. My parents had decided to visit at the worst possible time and had extended their stay once Amalia started complaining.

"We're not arguing." Darius answer, his eyes not leaving me, "Just discussing the schedule for the next meeting."

"Yes I heard that one ran behind," His gaze casted away from my brother and to me, "Why's that?"

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