Chapter 21

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Alastor's POV

"So if you would just give me an ounce of your resources I could fix the problem." Tomás tried to persuade me.

"And what of the other Alphas?" I pushed, not accepting what he was asking. "When you slaughter one pack the others will rise, especially with your baseless accusations."

I did not rule over the wolves in the same sense that I did with the vampires. They had their own laws and systems set up however feared me enough to respect me equally as much as their Alpha. It was similar to the humans; in name I was not their king but they caved to me anyway. In these circumstances though wolves would fight for their territory and Alpha before they gave into the vampires. They would work together even if that meant enemy packs becoming allies.

He honestly couldn't think I was this stupid. Tomás has been one of the biggest clan leaders in Spain for nearly a century and always comes to me with meaningless problems. He hates werewolves more than any vampire I knew. This was another one of his attempts to get me to send my personal army to defend him when he ultimately messed up.

"When they see what happened to the others they will back down. If you just—"

I sent him a harsh look that made him stop talking. "I entertained this idea before and nothing benefited me." I brought up the last thing I helped him with. "The answer is no. You want them gone use your own men."

In the way they were all my men, every vampire had to answer to me however there were times where I let the clan leaders deal with local issues just to save me the headache. I think the species has dumbed down over the last hundred years.

He looked like he wanted to ask again so I waited for him to make the wrong decision, untimely his last.

Instead he bowed. "Thank you your highness," he said then walked off.

Thankfully Tomás was my last personal meeting for the day. Usually I would be grateful for the few minutes of silence that I get between now and the formal dinner tonight but this time I wasn't.

With the silence my mind strayed to the one thing I couldn't have yet, Vada.

Throughout the day I found myself wishing I hadn't ordered her to stay in the kitchen just so I could catch a glimpse of her. I had to constantly remind myself why I did so and I'm not ashamed to admit it was solely based on my own selfishness. I wanted her to myself, all of her. If she were out with the others she'd be fair game for the guests and I couldn't have that.

I didn't want to publicly state so either, knowing she'd become a target and an easy one at that. One thing that had surprised me is how she was okay with that too. Most of the women I was with in the past always wanted everyone to know they were with the king. They would ask for jewels and balls to parade around. Vada didn't. She was comfortable with keeping it from people, even her friends.

I walked into my room and if I wasn't already thinking about her, her scent alone would've made me. It completely covered my room, every porous thing soaking in her alluring scent and I didn't mind. I found the smell addicting. Honey, chamomile, and sage. My favorite smells to date.

It's been a very long time since a woman has had this kind of effect on me and even then it wasn't this bad. Before it was enough to see her at night, get out my desires and then have her leave, however that isn't the case with Vada. I found myself wanting to see her more, happy when the weather wasn't in her favor so she'd be here earlier. She was perfect for me in bed too, every submissive action feeding into my desire for her.

Trying to focus on getting ready I took a shower then started to assemble my suit.

Turns out that goal was extremely hard to achieve. While in the shower all I could think about was her, my thoughts growing more perverse as I brushed my teeth. Looking at the mirror I remembered watching her face as I bit into her neck. Then I looked down at the countertop, only seeing her bent over it.

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