Chapter 14

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My wound didn't completely clot until the next day so I was stuck inside the room for a little while longer but before I knew it I was back in my original room.

I made sure to eat my breakfast quickly while barely avoiding the constant questions from Sabina and Eric. They bombarded me questions about my bite wound and absence but when Eric saw my hickey they both freaked out. Luckily after I was positive my face was red Sabina changed the conversation.

Right now I wasn't even sure how I felt about what had happened so I sure wasn't going to spill every detail to them yet. For now they new I was injured and was ordered to recover elsewhere.

As for my feelings I knew I liked what the events that took place with the king, even wanted them to happen again but I wasn't sure I was happy about that.

I really needed to stay out of the limelight and as distanced as possible. Any sign of what I was or who I was running from would only end bad for me. Even if he had an interest in me it wouldn't matter once he knew what I was. All witches were a threat to every species and especially to his reign.

So far I had done a good job at keeping that under control but the more time I spent with him there's no telling what could happen.

My abilities were like second nature to me, a part of me that couldn't be kept under wraps for too long or it'd start to drive me crazy. I was already constantly itching to do something, anything to use some of the energy built up.

When I was on the run I would do subtle things to help, growing dead plants or changing the forecast for the day. Anything helped.

One thing I had planned to do occurred to me when I was changing my bandage on my neck this morning. I hated the bite mark that Ekansh left more than anything. It was a constant reminders of what had happened and I wanted it gone. Unfortunately for me I had to wait until it started to scar making sure no questions arose about my quick recovery.

When breakfast was over everyone went back to their normal duties.

I rolled up my long sleeve shirt so the warm sun could hit me while I worked. As time passed the air on the mountain warmed some but the wind always made it seem colder. I was thankful for the sunny day today though.

Walking into the greenhouse I went to the pile of large tools, grabbing a hand tiller and walking back outside. For the most part I had already prepped the land before the event now I had to make room for seeds.

Days before the event I had already planted an apple tree and a cherry one. I knew those took several years to produce fruits but I hoped subtle growth spurts wouldn't be noticed by the others. Vampires didn't need human food to survive, only indulging when they felt like it. I wanted to count on their sporadic habits that they wouldn't know the average speed a plant grew but I also knew I couldn't push my luck.

Because of the weather on the mountain I planned to grow most foods inside the greenhouse but for underground vegetables like potatoes and carrots they'd need to be outside.

One day I spent just watching the sun rays hit the ground, making sure the spot I picked would get enough sun. I made sure my lines ran north to south in the sunniest place I could find, pushing the tiller through the loose dirt.

When I was finished I brought the tool back into the greenhouse, grabbing the several bags of seed I needed and heading back out.

I stopped when I saw a man standing by the garden, his hands in his pockets as he causally looked at the dirt.

He must have saw me pause because he looked up, turning his head my way.

As soon as I saw him head on I recognized him, Prince Darius. Just like I had seen him before he was dressed extremely well, his brown hair combed back neatly.

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