Chapter 53

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Alastor led us through another set of back hallways until we reached our bedroom. He hardly paused at the two wolves being cleaned up on the stairs but he did react to the one in the room.

He examined the body for a split second then his eyes flashed to my face. Worry and rage were the most prevalent. His jaw clenched as a splash of regret showed.

"The others were right," He pulled me over the body, "I should have taken you with me."

"No one could have guessed they found a different way up here," I said, "The point is I'm okay." I assured even as he scanned me again, "Are you okay?"

"No I'm upset that I put you in danger—"

I placed my hands on his chest, "Physically." I interrupted. There was no point in getting mad about it now, it was over and I was unscathed, "Are you okay physically?"

He didn't seem any calmer but answered, "Yes I'm fine."

I nodded, "And the others?" I asked wondering if I should be down there helping heal them.

His eyes moved over my face then a softer expression appeared, he cupped my face, "Yes, they're fine too." he confirmed looking down at me.

His red speckled eyes dropped down to my lips before he leaned in to kiss me. I melted against him, my hands staying flat on his torso as I pressed closer to him. He kissed me sweet and slow, both of us absorbing the quiet moment we had to realize we were both uninjured. It wasn't over, I knew that just as much as he did. However this problem was.

He kept his lips on mine until my head spun and I almost forgot where we were. Then, slowly he pulled away. His eyes meet mine with an adoring look.

"I love you." He said softly.

I smiled delicately, "I love you too."

He guided us both into the bathroom, turning on the hot water in the shower. While the water began to steam we both stripped.

We were quiet during this time. I had a million questions that rolled around my head but none reached my tongue. I took time to enjoy the silence. He seemed to be doing the same.

I placed my clothes in the same pile he did then accepted his hand as he pulled me under the water. We took turns washing each other, letting the blood stained on our skin slide down our bodies and into the drain. Every few seconds one of us would lean in and kiss the other. Each time it was gentle and short.

I used this time to just be with him in the quiet. The past few weeks had been so chaotic. With me coming back and him preparing to kill the Alpha on top of getting ready for the others to hear about my coronation. It was all a lot sometimes. We still had the last to prepare for but for now I let those worries go.

Instead I focus on this, us, being near. I created a little bubble around us. The steam trapped in the shower walls helped. It was easy to let my mind settle with him. I focused on his skin gliding against mine, soapy bubbles forming then disappearing as the water hit them. My eyes fluttered over him, observing how his muscles moved, how his fingers brushed over me. Looking to his face I noticed he was watching me too, his eyes following his hands as they moved. His face was calm.

Mahogany met blue and neither of us said anything, my lips tilting up a hair. His mimicked mine causing my eyes to watch them. Unconsciously I brought my first finger up to touch them. I brushed the corner where the action had taken place, my fingers delicately tracing his bottom lip before going to pull away. He caught my hand, pressing a kiss to the tips of my fingers. His mouth was just as gentle as my fingers had been. He moved to place a kiss on the center of my palm then paused there.

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