Chapter 3

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The guard roughly set me down just as he stopped running and I swayed slightly, my body trying to adjust to being still again.

While I was grateful not to have to walk all the way up the mountain I could have done with another form of transportation. The only order snapped out by the king was vague and ultimately made the guard next to me yank me up off the floor before he took off.

At first my stomach dropped with fear of being so close to a predator but as we ran my fear shifted to the speed we were moving. I had always watched how quickly vampires moved with little interest or thought. It was something I never considered would be frightening, until now.

My focus shifted as I regained my balance, now examining my surroundings.

We stood at the base of a large gothic castle tucked into the side of the mountain. If I wasn't in the situation I was in now I would have admired it more, called it beautiful even but not right now. Now the dark stone and pointed roofs only made me feel more unconformable.

A rough shove to my left shoulder blade broke me from gazing at the building. I stumbled forward then quickly looked back at the vampire who pushed me. The remark I went to say got stuck in my throat as his glare met my eyes. Instead I turned around and began slowly walking in the direction he pushed me, noticing the King and his brother already halfway up the walkway.

I followed after them, subtlety taking notes of the surrounding area to see if there was any way out.

Just from a brief glance the answer was definitely no. The castle sat more than halfway up the mountain and was completely surrounded by trees. However I did see a road that led up to a gravel driveway to the right of the entrance, meaning there was another way down besides trekking through the woods.

I continued in the few steps and down the cobble stone walkway before actually entering the castle.

My eyes roamed the large entryway, my pace slowing to make sure I got everything.

It was undeniably beautiful inside. Large chandeliers hung from the ceiling; they were light by lightbulbs but I'm assuming at one point they held candles. The walls were clean grey stone that held decorative molding at the top.

In front of me was a large staircase that fanned out towards the bottom. However at the center there was a balcony like structure where the second story could see over the landing and Fourier. On either side the stairs continued up to different wings while on the main level several hallways were formed behind.

This time I didn't completely stop to look but my pace still seemed to slow for the guard earning a nudge.

I reluctantly picked up my pace, still following the King but my gaze shifted off his broad back as his brother separated from the group, heading up the stairs while we passed them.

My line of sight got cut off as we went into one of the hallways. It was significantly less bright than the entryway so I kept my gaze on the floor in front of me hoping there wouldn't be a change in the stone that would make me fall.

I wasn't sure how many turns we had made of how long we walked but when I least expect it he stopped.

I picked my eyes off the floor, looking to him but he wasn't looking at me, instead his cold gaze was focused on the man behind me.

"Go get Ella and have her prepare some clothes," he ordered.

"Yes your highness," he replied.

I felt a gust of wind from behind me and I didn't have to look to know he was gone.

I should have felt better with another vampire departing but I didn't. In fact I was more nervous to be alone with him.

He didn't look at me and he turned back to the door in front of him, pushing it open then gesturing for me to go inside. I looked to his hand that made the motion then to the now open doorway, glancing to him. He seemed unhappy with my hesitation, his eyes darkening to more of a marron color. His expression made me comply, my eyes darting to the ground before I hurried into the room.

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