Chapter 23

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The next few days revolve around cleaning up the dining hall. This time though the Princess had nothing to do with it. In fact I hadn't seen her in days. She still glared at me when I did see her but she made no move to approach me, no snide comment when she passed a little too close. I guess whatever the king said to her was enough to make her back off. Well whatever he said to any of the vampires. The guards were even weirder, hardly looking my way. It was the first time in my life I didn't have vampires being rude to me at every turn.

That was pretty much the only difference in my life. Everything else was good, really good which is why I was waiting for it to implode.

I kept my eyes out for any sort of gossip about the witch but the whispers were all the same. There might be one close but no one was sure. I knew I had to stay here for the time being, knowing the wolves wouldn't try to come into his territory. However one thing did scare me. That if the time came when I had to leave, I wouldn't want to.

Before it was a small dislike of having to flee again. My brain didn't like the idea of being on the run for the second time. Now it was different. I didn't want to leave because I actually liked my life. I had friends and was able to do what I liked without being in danger. But most of all I had him.

Crap I actually liked him.

This wasn't supposed to happen. I was supposed to stay detached, indulge in something foreign and enticing but nothing more. My heart however had different plans.

The stupid organ would squeeze and flutter when he'd smile or laugh. I thought I could play it off on the fact that he was gorgeous but it didn't work. I found myself liking it when he'd pop up out of the blue, small touches here and there, or how he'd all but demand to eat a meal together. I liked spending time with him more than before, found myself missing his voice or presence when he wouldn't drop by during the day. And when we touched, though I thought it would go away eventually, there were sparks. I never have felt anything like this.

I didn't love him. No definitely not yet but it was a possibility if things kept going this way.

I wasn't entirely sure if he felt the same way though and that did make me nervous. I knew he considered me attractive, desired me, but I didn't know if he held any other feelings for me. He seemed to enjoy our time together as well which I counted as a positive but no one had confirmed anything.

"Hey I missed you again this morning." Sabina said quickly running up to me.

I rose from my position on the floor, accepting her hug, "I know I've been late the past few days." I responded.

I hadn't told her about the king or anything and I didn't plan to. I felt bad for keeping it from her cause I considered her a good friend but it's what was best for me.

"No worries." She brushed it off, "Can I help?"

"Yes of course." I agreed, both of us sitting down to pack the box.

Princess Amalia was very clear in how she wanted the crystal centerpieces put away. Each one wrapped twice and stacked close enough that they wouldn't move when being transported. She also wanted bubble wrap inside. This made it time consuming and we had to have twice as many boxes to fit everything.

I picked up on of the candelabra looking things and started to wrap it. "I never got the chance to ask you about, well you know," Sabina started, eyeing my neck.

My bite wound was still healing but it didn't need a patch anymore and I had one hicky on the collarbone below it. I only hated the marks in instances like this. Every other occasion I didn't mind them, liked them actually.

"You don't have to tell me anything." she quickly said, probably mistaking my silence for annoyance.

"I just, it's complicated right now." I hesitated on what to say.

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