Chapter 47

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"Be a bit more specific Rob." Joseph broke the short silence that followed Roberts question.

"About the cheating thing," he clarified. "I don't think anyone fell for the excuse." He glanced at Emiliano briefly.

I remained quiet, feeling eyes land on Alastor and I.

"What's going on?" Manuel asked no one in particular.

The room when deadly silent afterwards. It felt like a weight dropped in my stomach, my heart was quickly picking up its normal pace. The only person I felt safe looking to was Alastor so I did. His eyes were already looking at my face.

I knew by the expression he was waiting from my denial or acceptance on what to tell them. I was terrified again. Emiliano knew however I wasn't there when he found out. Alastor had told him and there was no telling what his true reaction was or how much convincing Alastor had to do. These were Alastors friends so I knew he would probably know their acceptance levels more than I however it didn't make it any less scary.

My entire life I've lived in fear of people finding out what I was. I lived the past two years knowing a group had figured it out however I didn't have to face them, I ran. It was the only reason I survived. Now if I did allow them to know I couldn't run.

I feared too that this might hurt Alastors friendships. What if they hated witches so much they couldn't support his decision to let me live. To make me his equal. I didn't want to be the cause of that.

"It's obvious that Emiliano knows," Robert pointed out. "And that's it's serious or her heart wouldn't be soring like it is now."

Alastor didn't even look his way, instead his hand came up to the side of my face. "It'll be okay if we tell them." He kept his voice low like they couldn't hear us, it created a bubble like affect for me. "Emiliano handled it well remember?"

My eyes flickered to Emiliano automatically and he sent a small smile. They went back to Alastor, my fingers were trembling some at the thought of this going wrong.

"Why is she so scared?" One of them whispered so low I couldn't place if it was Robert or Theodore.

"Do you trust me?" he asked me in the same low voice.

I nodded. I did. He had been right about Emiliano responding well and about the event last night. Both came and went without anyone flipping out on me.

"Then I think we should tell them," he suggested then with complete honesty. "However it's up to you."

From my past experiences my mind screamed no but my gut only trembled in result of memories from the past. Of vampires and wolves who I met in passing. I trusted Alastor more than anyone else. I trusted he knew his friends reactions and that he would protect me no matter what.

"No it's okay," I breathed. "We can tell them."

He nodded, pressing a kiss to my forehead before sitting up in the seat more. He held me close to his side as he looked to his friends.

"This information stays between us until I say otherwise." His authoritative tone snapped into place.

They nodded then Joseph spoke, "you know we won't say anything."

He seemed to gauge their facial expressions. I appreciated him double checking.

"Vada is a witch," he said and my body locked into place. I braced myself for any bad reactions emotional or physical. They seemed to freeze too.

"I'm sorry I don't think I heard that right," Manuel spoke first, shaking his head some.

"Wait you mean like an actual witch?" Joseph looked to me with confusion and worry.

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