Chapter 9

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Oh no.

In panic I dropped my eyes from his, trying to focus on not spilling the blood but it was hard as my hands now shook lightly.

Even though I refused to look back over in his direction I could feel his gaze burning into me making me flush as my heart took off in a sprint.

I heard the other vampires say something about it but I didn't pay attention, not worried about getting in trouble by them anymore, I had bigger demons to face.

As quickly as possible I went back to my cart and put the pitcher down, pushing it back to the kitchen. I thought I would be relieved when I got back to the kitchen but I wasn't. In fact I'm pretty sure I was going to have a breakdown.

My breathing was rapid and I felt hot, my heart was beating way to fast to be healthy and I couldn't seem to calm down.

"Woah what happened to you?" I heard a familiar voice and I almost wept with joy.

I hadn't seen Eric since yesterday morning and right now was the perfect time for him to show up. He was always lighthearted and kind, a playful but relaxed personality that I needed right now.

Really any human that I knew was helpful.

I stood towards the back of the kitchen so there weren't that many people around us, most giving me space.

"I'm so dead Eric, like literally this time." I breathed.

Why did I agree to this again?

"Okay you need to calm down," He said, his voice stern but in a calming way. "you're not going to die. You're fine."

I shook my head; no he was so wrong. This wasn't the first time I messed up but this was the first time I went directly against his orders.

"Stop pacing and hold still." He instructed. "Tell me what happened and I'll help fix it."

"You can't fix this." I shook my head again.

"Just tell me and I might have a solution." He tried again.

I glanced behind him, watching the other prepare the desert cart. "I went against an order from the king."

"Oh no." He breathed.

"See." I pointed out. "I'm dead."

He tried to look calm again but even I saw the worry and a hint of fear left. "No," He said slowly. "I—you could—why would do that?" He stumbled to come up with a solution but had none.

"I didn't have a lot of time to make a good decision then the princess said if I didn't I'd be denying her orders. I didn't know what to do." I rushed out.

"Why would she—"

"Vada we're ready." Another maid said cutting of Eric.

She glanced between Eric and I before walking back to the cart, some others moving towards the exit.

"No no I can't go back in there." I stepped back. "He'll kill me in front of all those Vampires."

"Well it's either that or he comes in here and kills you in front of all the servants."

I smacked his arm. "Why would you say that?"

He flinched back from me mockingly. "You want me to lie?"

"Vada." A maid called out again, this time less patient.

"Look just do it. He can't kill you twice." He said then quickly rushed out. "Don't tell him I encouraged this though."

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