Chapter 8

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The next day went by the same way but this time I was more confident in what I was doing.

The meals were different and more people ordered lunch than the day before but the meals weren't complicated.

I was able to wake up earlier than the day before, allowing me to water my plants before starting this morning which I was also happy about.

Throughout the day I had also learned more about what exactly took place during these events. Though the day there were several gatherings that took place for the king to give information and clans to ask for help or advice.

Then in the afternoon they were able to ask for a private meeting with the king to either receive help or sign a new treaty or law.

The more the other maids spoke about it the less interested I became. It was all formal vampire things and though some of it would affect us or the others outside the castle it didn't really matter. None of us had a say.

I wasn't happy about that but I hadn't heard anything too alarming.

What was concerning though was the number of servants that I had seen with bit marks, the number constantly increasing. I had offered my help to all of them but only some accepted.

I truly wished they would have gone to the medic but all of them had the same view as Cristin. With that I did what I could do when they allowed it.

The last man who walked in had two on his arm and I had offered to patch it up only to be rudely denied. This was something I didn't understand either. Some of them hated me for no reason, well not one I could think of, I hadn't even met that man before and he practically shoved me into the countertop just for asking.

My mind focused back on my current task on hand, mincing a clove of garlic for the sauce.

The knife I pulled out of the drawer was extremely sharp and I was certain I didn't want to mess this up.

Behind me I could hear the sound of the burners clicking on so I tried to go faster on my part.

When I finished I picked up the small chopping board and used the knife to slide the pieces of garlic into the pan, moving to the sink so I could wash the board before using it again.

I was spraying down the board with the water when I heard a loud hiss from behind me followed by a shout. "Ow!"

I spun around at the painfilled tone, watching as a man moved forward towards a girl who stood by the island.

"Damn it Tinsley!" He rushed out, taking a knife from her.

My eyes dropped down to her hands, one holding the other as blood almost poured onto the floor.

I grabbed a dry dishtowel next to me and quickly handed it to the man who was applying pressure to the wound.

"Thanks." He muttered not looking my way.

"I don't feel good." She whispered leaning into him.

"Don't look at it okay." He responded, pressing the towel to the wound then squeezing her hand to bunch it up, the blood quickly soaking through the white towel.

Other servants had stopped to watch but now some moved to start cleaning up the blood on the counter and floor.

"I need to sit down." She said, not waiting for him to help her as she dropped to the ground and rested her head on the cabinet door behind her.

While the guy moved to squat in front of her I stood behind him. "She needs to see a medic." I said, eyeing how the blood now dripped from the towel to the floor.

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