Chapter 27

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"Come on and change so we can go." Alastor got up from the couch, gesturing for me to rise as well.

He seemed excited for whatever he was planning, "And go where?" I smiled at the look his face held, pure kid like joy.

We never went anywhere, part of the deal about keeping it between us and I was perfectly fine with that. It was safe for me. I was content with staying in and just being with him. I liked doing less extravagant things. Not that I would know how those dates felt like either.

"It's a surprise." He said like it was obvious, his hand held out for me.

I eyed it suspiciously, "Don't worry it'll just be us two, we aren't even leaving the castle." He assured me.

My eye flickered to his, then with a small smile I caved, not being able to say no to him.

I placed my hand in his, the usual bolts erupting at the contact. He pulled me up from the sofa and led me to where he had a pair of long sleeve pants and shirt, my winter attire.

I looked back to him, "I thought you said we weren't leaving the castle." I accused.

The outfit told me we would probably outside sometime tonight. It was much warmer during the days now but the same chill ran over the mountain when night fell.

"We aren't."

"I-" He cut me off with a kiss, my body betraying me as I leaned into him. My mind was quick to follow when all my thoughts scattered, focusing on his mouth on mine.

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered honestly. He hadn't done anything to prove I shouldn't, in fact all his actions were proof that I should.

"Then get changed." He said simply, releasing me from his grip so I could do just that.

He popped me lightly then moved to sit on the edge of the bed to wait. I didn't bother going into the bathroom to change, unbuttoning my dress then slipping it off and putting it on the dresser. I pulled the long sleeve shirt over my head before putting on the pants.

"I'm assuming I need shoes." I spun to face him, his eyes flickering up from my body to my face. He didn't even try to hid the fact that he was just staring at my ass.

"Yes you will." He got up from the bed, walking behind me as I made my way to the door.

My shoes were placed neatly beside it and I used the doorframe to steady myself as I slipped them on. I noticed then that he had put on a pair of his own.

He held his hand out for mine and I took it without question allowing him to pull me out of the room and down the hallway. The entire time we walked I was nervous about someone spotting us. I knew the guards were on strict orders not to speak about the kings personal business but not every servant was done with their duties yet.

He stopped suddenly in front of a wall that was covered by what looked like very old fabric. His hand ran down a portion before he pulled on it. I was worried for the wall until I heard a pop like noise followed by the wall opening.

I watched with interest as he pulled the door all the way open revealing another passageway. I shouldn't have been surprised by this, I traveled them daily but I never knew there were ones in the royal wing. If anyone else knew they hadn't mentioned it either.

He guided me inside then closed the wall behind us.

When he started to walk again I hesitated, "Um." My voice echoed through the stone hall.

"I know you can't really see yet."

Can't really see, I wanted to mock. Everything was black.

He pulled his hand out of my grip and I blinked like that would help, blindly feeling out for him, "Alastor." I hissed.

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