Chapter 15

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The next day I was trying with everything in me not to heal this stupid bite wound. It was so aggravating because now I didn't need to wear a patch over it but it looked so ugly to me. And it was itchy. The fact it was clearly visible on my neck made it worse.

I knew if I healed it now everyone would notice. I'd have to wait until it scares, which it surely will, before doing anything.

I hated every time I passed a mirror I could see it and with my hair always up so could everyone else. I had noticed how the other staff would look at it, curiosity in their eyes but no one really pushed for specifics.

I roughly fanned out the sheets making a snap like noise sound through the room before the quietly fluttered to the mattress.

Today it was pouring rain outside so I was extremely limited on what I could do with my outside plants. I had already tended to the ones inside so I offered to help Sabina with her duties. I was glad when she agreed, not sure what I'd do if she didn't.

Now I went down the halls and replaced sheets on the guest mattress. These room had been filled with vampires who took longer to leave but to my relief they were all gone now.

I had already been in all of them to take off the sheets and now I was replacing them which turned out to be more time consuming that I thought. I wondered how she got so many done before I had offered.

I roughly ran my hand across the sheets to smooth them, trying to distract myself from my neck. It was a harder task than I thought possible. I wanted to scratch at it but it would only delay the healing process making my alternative method more appealing.

"Angry today are we?"

I whipped around to the sound of the kings voice, my eyes landing on his figure in the doorway. He was leaning up against it with his arms crossed, an amused look on his face.

"Just a little irritated y—." I caught myself before I said his title.

I hadn't seen him since I left the room in the royal wing and I'd be lying if I didn't miss his presence. He was always so intense but it drew me in. More than I'd like to admit.

"It should stop raining by tonight. You'll be able to be back out there by the morning." He said.

He almost said it to be reassuring. As if he thought making the bed was my problem.

"It's not that." I corrected gently then flushed when he raised his eyebrow, signaling for me to continue, "My wound is healing and it's uncomfortable that's all."

I waved in the general direction of my neck wishing I hadn't corrected him but I didn't want him to think I was incapable of helping with other things.

"I see." His red speckled eyes moved to my throat, his face not holding amusement now.

He seemed to be thinking as his gaze held steady on my wound and I was incredibly uncomfortable with the silence. The tension from the last time we were together alone seemed to reappear with his presence. I tried to lessen that by speaking.

"Is there something you need?"

His dark eyes rose to meet my blue ones, "Yes actually I needed to speak with you about somethings. Finish with this first." He pointed towards the bed.

"Okay." I said hesitantly.

Now I was nervous. Why couldn't he just say whatever he needed now? Why wait? A million things ran through my mind but not one solid answer stuck. I quickly finished fixing the bed making sure it looked perfect before looking back to him.

His eyes were still on me and he picked his hand up noticing for me to come to him, "Come here."

I walked over to where he was not standing too close but my skin itched to touch his.

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