Chapter 40

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Alastor dropped me off at my townhome so I could pack before going to deal with Miguel. I didn't ask what he was going to do because it didn't really matter in the end. Miguel wouldn't have to opportunity to hurt anyone else and if he had prior victims they would be vindicated.

It didn't take long to pack up my things, not really having a ton of clothes. I had purchased some things while here, most small and decorative pieces from the local stores. I collected those items and placed them towards the center of my bag, hoping my clothes would buffer any jostling. The most meaningful thing I had was a mini condor that was painted in their flags colors. It was their national bird and Liliana had given it to me as a welcoming gift.

I smiled sadly at the bird; I would miss her. Luckily Emiliano had shown up the next morning with her key so she would open much to my disappointment. I wanted to go myself but he rambled off about another examination I had to have then left before I could understand what he meant.

A knock at my front door pulled my attention, "Come in!" I called out, placing the bird in my bag then walking into the living room.

Seeing Alastor walk through the threshold was like a dream come true. Literally. I don't know how many times I had dreamed he would turn up here.

"Hey." I greeted, walking over to him.

He had no signs of doing anything violent but I knew that wasn't the case. The fact that he looked a little more relaxed than before proof he had done as he said. I couldn't stop the smile spreading across my face as he collected me in his arms, my heart stuttering at the feeling.

"Hey." He sounded relived again, "Are you ready?" His eyes scanned over the room as if to check for himself.

I saw his eyes pause temporarily at the couches awkward position; I hadn't moved it back yet. He didn't mention it, seeming slightly confused but it wasn't enough to cause concern.

"Yeah I was just finishing up." I answered then asked something I had been thinking of since I agreed to leave, "Is it okay if I stop by somewhere first?"

"Anywhere you want." He agreed.

I grinned at his answer, he seemed to respond without really processing my question first.

"Okay let me get my stuff then we'll go." I said unfortunately having to pull away from him to do that.

I quickly walked into the bedroom and grabbed my back before coming back out, "Hold on." I held up my finger as a gesture to wait when he went to guide me to the door.

I slid my bag so it was secure on my shoulder before going to the couch. I placed my hands on it to move it back to its original position and suddenly it was tugged away from me.

"I can do it." My words faded off as he ignored me, pulling the couch by the coffee table.

He put it close enough to where it was when I arrived, "Thank you." I settled, realizing he wasn't going to let me help.

"Come on iubirea mea we've got a long flight ahead of us." He extended his hand for me to take.

I smiled at the gesture; he wanted me just as close as I wanted him. I gladly placed my hands in his, fingers intertwining with mine as we exited the townhome.

The same man that picked me up at the airport was waiting by the car. He held the same emotionless expression but I couldn't help recalling how he reacted when he saw Alastor. It was a mixture of awe and fear. It turned to disbelief when Alastor helped me into the car.

"Tell him where you want to go." Alastor said as he took my bag from me, placing it in the trunk of the car.

"Nos llevarás al mercado?" I asked.

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