Chapter 54

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I leaned back on the balls of my feet to shift the weight. I had been in four-inch heels for the last three hours and due to my current situation I had to find relief through balancing my weight on different parts of my feet.

The women working on the ridiculous amount of fabric around my waist did not seem to notice. They only noticed, and fussed, when I tried to take off the shoes or find a different position to stand in.

I had pinned fabric all the way up to my collarbones where I was told the dress would start. It was tradition for the others to see the necklace during the ceremony. And while the real kingdom only started with Alastors father, the old clans, ones that ruled within themselves before the revolution, did it. They had different colors, diamond reserved for the king now, but it was the same tradition. The woman would be presented it at the coronation of their clan to represent the leaders chosen partner. Technically Alastor had given it to me a head of time but it didn't matter.

Each clan followed this unspoken rule though, that the woman's dress shouldn't cover it during the ceremony. I didn't mind. It was a nicer way of saying I was his rather than the hickes all over my body. That was slightly mortifying when the dressers saw them. They didn't comment but I saw the looks. Not unhappy, just knowing.

"Move your arm for a second." The woman spoke as she tugged on the fabric around my waist.

I did as she asked so that she could pin the fabric in a different spot now. Even with the knowledge that the torso of the dress would be like a corset I could still breathe fine. I was thankful for that. Breathing, especially with how nerve racking this would be, was very beneficial to me.

I held out my hand when one of them brushed it, guiding it out so they could pin the sleeve.

There was a knock on the door then it opened, "This room is in use!—oh I apologize your highness." The woman's rushed scolding turned into a quiet apologetic tone.

I didn't match that. "Alastor you're not supposed to see me!"

He closed his eyes. "It's not a wedding draga mea," His lips held a slight smile, "however we could do that if you want."

I shook my head with a smile I couldn't force down, "Closing your eyes doesn't help now." He was staring right at me when he came in anyway.

He opened one eye as if to mock peeking at me then opened both, "Will it make you feel better to assure you I will not see the dress on you again until it's finished?"

My eyes were on the woman's hands working on the sleeve, "Yes." I glanced to him, "And no thank you to the marriage thing, though it was a very charming proposal." I teased.

He slid his hands in his pockets, "If I seriously thought you wanted it, it would be."

Marriage was never something I really wanted. Never something I thought I could have. Now that I could it still didn't seem so important. I was his and he was mine. We were beloveds. I didn't believe marriage could be stronger than that.

My eyes moved from him to my other wrist as the woman started on that one then back to his, "Have the others responded?"

He nodded, his eyes not doing a good job at staying on my face. I deadpanned at him though he didn't notice yet, "They are already on their way, Robert will be in later. He had a wolf problem to deal with but he will make it in time."

Alastors friends had returned home after the Alpha had been dealt with. There was little talk about what exactly happened though I was sure that would change after this. The vampires already were speaking about it. It had been a month since and Alastor believed enough time had passed to have to coronation. I trusted his judgement.

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