Chapter 39

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I rang out my hair into the tub, stepping out of the shower and wrapping my body in a towel. I walked so that I was in front of the mirror, examining my appearance. I noted a new bruise that had finally showed itself on my arm, the others had turned a brownish purple by now. I was lucky that my injuries were scattered and small, the scrapes on my elbow, hands, and leg the worse but even they had scabbed over.

It had been close to thirty-six hours since I arrived at Emilianos estate and I was ready to head back to my small townhouse. I was thankful and appreciative of his help but I wanted to try and get back to normal; if my life before was considered normal. I needed to completely submerge myself in my surroundings so I could rid myself of my tortuous thoughts.

I had thought of Alastor often before Emiliano brought him up; now I couldn't even have five minutes of peace without my subconscious reminding me of his words. It didn't help that I had dreamt of him last night. In my dream it was Alastor that had helped me in the alley. The feeling of me crashing into his arms was almost too real.

I shook my head, blindly getting dressed as I fought with myself on what thoughts were acceptable. If I continued down this path I wouldn't ever get over him. Not that my heart really wanted me to anyway.

This time I wore a pair of jeans instead of a skirt. I dreaded how hot I would be during the day but I didn't feel comfortable wearing less so close to what happened. I slipped on a tank top in hopes that would help.

Running a comb through my hair I packed my bag with the other, not bothering to fold or sort them. I could do that when I got back. I shook out my hair some so that natural waves would fall into place before leaving for breakfast.

I didn't want to just walk out into the kitchen with a bag and announce my desire to leave. I considered that rude. I assumed Emiliano would be at breakfast like the other morning so I planned to bring it up then.

Through the halls I could smell the eggs and bacon, it was followed by the more subtle scent of pancake batter.

The closer I got the stronger the scent but I slowed down when I heard Emilianos voice, "She ate fine yesterday. I had Natalia keep track of the meals so that I knew she was getting enough. Human eating habits isn't something I'm familiar with."

By his words I knew he was talking about me but I didn't hear anyone answer him. Acting on instinct I hesitantly went to the entry way, pausing close to the doorframe, waiting to see if I was allowed to join in or not. He was a clan leader after all this could be business.

"You can come in Vada." Emiliano's chipper voice called in my direction after a short moment of silence.

I rounded the doorway, "Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt." I said.

My eyes picked up off the floor but they didn't find Emilianos, my attention being pulled to a much stronger presence in the room. I froze when my blue eyes met his red speckled ones. I opened my mouth to speak but couldn't find the words.

Alastor was here. He was standing in the same dining room I was and I didn't even know how to react. Internally I was ecstatic. One reason was because he was the first familiar face I had seen since I had arrived. The other reason was because he was the man torturing my every thought the past few weeks. The one I wished I could see just one more time. My body burned to go to his; I wanted to throw myself into his arms like I had done in my dreams.

Even with the overwhelming feeling to do so I held still. I wasn't sure why he was here; it could have been strictly for business and I happened to be here. I didn't know how he handled the last few weeks, if it had been as hard for him or if he went back to everyday life without me.

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