Chapter 42

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I watched her from the doorway as she combed through her hair. She was aware of my gaze which prompted that pretty pink color to stain her cheeks. Her blue eyes would catch mine in the mirror and they held a hesitantly inviting look. Hesitant because she knew what was coming. Inviting because she wanted it anyway.

The last few days we had spent in the confines of our room with no one but each other. It was bliss. My attention was centered on her the entire time. Exactly how it should be.

This time gave us an opportunity to make up for our separation. With her acceptance of being my beloved and coming back with me I couldn't be happier. All I wanted to do was be with her. I didn't care who I had to kill to make that happen. I knew I would start with the Alpha. Anyone who tried to separate us would follow. I wasn't giving this up again.

"No." I gave my first order, "Come here."

Her hand paused on the pile of new clothes she went to put on. She had just come out of the shower and wore my robe while she brushed out her hair. It looked gorgeous hanging in damp waves to her shoulders. She was gorgeous.

With a deeper blush she turned in my direction, paddling up to me. The immediate way she slipped into submission made my dick harder. She was always quick to listen to my instructions, her posture becoming meek.

I didn't push off the wall I was leaning on, unfolding my arms so I could pull the rope of the robe. It fell to her sides making the white material open to expose her naked body. Watching her expression I ran my fingers over her shoulders gently, drawing goosebumps. I pushed the material off and it fell to the ground.

Her breathing became shallow, her blue eyes meeting mine with an undertone of excitement.

"Go and get me a vibrator." I instructed.

Her eyes widened then her face reddened more.

"Yes sir." She whispered shyly then went into our room.

I walked to the bed while she went into the closet to pick out one of the vibrators I had for her. They were all cleaned and new from the minute she agreed to be with me. As time went on I replaced everything I had. Using paddles and restraints that I had used on other women just didn't look right on her skin. I wanted everything to be hers and hers only. I made sure they matched the pink toys I had bought for her too, she preferred the color over black or red.

I listened to her pulse race with shallow breathing. I didn't have to see her to know what her expression was. Horny nervousness. She would try and pick one that wouldn't torture her too much. She wouldn't have that luxury. I would torture her with my tongue alone if I wanted to.

She drew in a quiet breath then slid open one of the glass cases in the back. I heard her feet against the carpet then drank her in when she came back into view.

Vada was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on. I knew I was bias and I couldn't care less. I wanted to pull her into my arms and never let go. Sink into her until we became one. My skin burned to do just that. I held back, remembering it would be worth it in the end. For both of us.

"Get on the bed." I instructed, holding out my hand for the toy as she passed.

Her soft skin brushed mine as she placed the Y-shaped vibrator in my palm. It had a longer end that would vibrate insider her, the small suction like part would rest on her clit. She aimed to be tortured after all.

She got onto the bed, eyeing the rope I already had on the mattress. Rope was rougher, it would irritate her skin more than most materials. I was looking forward to seeing those marks on her later.

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