Chapter 25

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"Hey you made it!" Sabina smiled brightly at me as I made my way to the table.

I gave a small smile back, "Yeah I figured I'd show up on time today." I said sitting down beside her and lowering my tone, "Give your ears some relief."

She shook her head and bumped shoulders with me, now biting back her grin.

"Wow little Ms. green thumb I didn't know you'd grace us with your presence today." Eric joined us, "Is that a new hicky?"

"Ha ha Eric," I mocked, "Since I'm here today you let's skip the sex talk."

"No this is perfect you can confirm all the guess I've made." He joked, the regular boyish smile on his face but I caught how he'd look to Sabina for a reaction.

"Nope I demand a new topic." I denied, starting on my meal.

"This is a sad day for me," He faked despair, "My morning is now ruined because of you."

I rolled my eyes, "I think you'll make it."

"Did you guys hear what's come in from the village?" Cristin rushed out quietly as she sat down.

The urgency in her tone made me nervous already.

"No what?" Sabina asked, leaning more over the table.

"There's talk of a witch hunt."

"I heard that a few days ago, how is that new?" Eric asked.

"Well a new shipment arrived this morning and apparently its worse." She kept going, "The towns close are having city wide searches, like wolves are raiding people's homes."

"They can't do that it's not their territory." Sabina said with surprise in her voice.

"Apparently the Clan leaders let them in, aiding in some cases."

I sat completely frozen in my seat. I tried to get myself to act normal, to continue to eat or say something that would make me look like one of them but I couldn't. This was bad. Vampires helping the wolves look for me. They never got along, never really helped each other. And now because of me they were working side by side in their search. Worst they were tearing though whole cities to find me. Before it was as simple as looking out for me, if they caught a glance they were to alert the closest Alpha and capture me. Now they were causing more ruckus.

"Vampires letting wolves harass the people in their areas? Sounds a bit exaggerated." Eric said. I hoped he was right.

"I know but one of the delivery boys lives in the clan its happening in. He said his home was searched two days ago." Cristin confirmed. My hope disintegrated within seconds.

From beside me Sabina shook her head slowly, she had stopped eating, "This witch must have done something bad for them to look this hard."

"Does it really matter what it did?" Eric replied before taking another bit of his breakfast, "They'd kill it even if it did nothing."

His tone was confident yet almost unbothered. I knew why. There was nothing any of us could do. If they found me I would be killed, even if I had done nothing like my mother.

"You think they'll come up here?" I finally broke through my panic, "I mean if they're already so close."

I was grasping for straws now. I needed to know exactly how bad it was, as if that would make a difference for me.

"It might be a possibility." Cristin said.

"Don't be ridiculous. The king wouldn't let wolves up here." Eric denied.

"If the Alpha asked I bet he would."

"The Alpha's with them?" Eric asked shocked.

She nodded, "He's been personally checking with the lower ranking wolves. I heard he's from the States."

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