Chapter 44

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"Have you considered it?" Alastor asked me.

My fork paused on the plate, "I'm still hesitant." I said slowly.

"Why? You know I'll be there to protect you."

"I know that." I muttered. Alastor had proven himself time and time again that he would be there to help me if I ever needed it. I didn't question my immediate safety but rather future. There's no telling what the vampires might do to ensure I leave him.

"Then what is it?" He pushed; his meal forgotten as well. His voice held nothing but concern for me.

I was debated on expressing my concern to him again. I had already told him most of it the other day but it never really faded. He'd talk me out of it like every other thing with gentle reassurance and I'd probably agree. Scratch that-I would agree.

His hand landed on my knee, "Vada I can't fix it if you don't tell me."

"I'm worried what people will think." I blurted. Damn him and his effect on me!

His slight pause was enough to confirm my fears. They would hate me. They would want him to pick another woman, specifically a vampire. The thought of him with another girl made my blood boil.

"They'll accept you." Was all he said.

I glowered at my plate, "Because they have to. Because you say they do. Not because they like me."

"Not everyone is always going to like you."

"Trust me I know." I mumbled so low I hope he didn't hear it.

I knew what it was like for people to hate me. I experienced it in school and on the run because I was mistaken for a human. I didn't have any friends and often had to tolerate derogatory comments thrown my way. It wasn't treatment I would wish on anyone. I couldn't think about how bad it would be standing next to the king. They'd be twice as bitter.

The room was deadly silent before he spoke, "Who?"

"What?" I looked to him.

"Whose actions cause you to say that?" His voice was harsh and yet it held a level of control. The small dam holding back a tsunami of anger I'm sure.

"A lot of people." I didn't even have the names if I wanted to, "Just comments as I passed by. Regardless I know it will be worse this time."

At least I could run from it last time, move to another town and never have to see those people again. This time he's asking me to sit in a room with them for hours.

"No one will say anything to you." He swore.

To me. But they'll say it to you. Or your brother. Your sister will probably join in as well. They might all get together and conspire against us. Fun.

I didn't voice my thoughts he would only argue the way he saw it. Instead I focused on trying to finish my breakfast. Luckily he seemed to drop the subject for now as well but he didn't attempt to force down his food. His hand stayed on my knee while his thumb moved back and forth across my skin. When a few minutes had passed I brought up something I had been positively thinking about recently.

"I know you don't want me doing what I used to do but I would really like to continue gardening." I put down my drink, turning to face him better now that I was done.

"Of course Iubirea mea." He agreed immediately.

I smiled softly at his lack of hesitation to deny me, "What does that mean?" I asked. He had said the words more than once but I hadn't ever thought to ask. I was too caught up in how it sounded coming off his tongue. His deep voice and accent always played with my reasoning.

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