Chapter 30

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I watched from the bed as Alastor came out of the closet buttoning up his dress shirt. Technically I was supposed to be downstairs for breakfast by now but I was much too comfortable to move. Plus I had a great view.

Today he was a bit more dressed up than usual. This time he slipped on a dark grey suit jacket to match his pants, his button up a light blue.

"What's the special occasion?" I asked nonchalantly, my fingers playing with the sheets.

"I have a meeting today with those wolves."

My fingers froze and it took me a second to start breathing again.

"You have nothing to worry about," He caught my reaction, "You will stay up here until they're gone."

Right stay up here so that when you figure it out my save haven will work as a trap for you. This room would be the worst one to be stuck in. There was no other exit besides the main set of doors and the windows. The height and position of this room would make the window exit a suicide mission.

"You said earlier they hadn't contacted you." My voice sounded breathier than I wanted it to.

Maybe I can convince him not to meet with them. To send them away. My mind whirled with this new complication. They weren't supposed to come so soon. He was supposed to deny them access to his territory. I was supposed to have more time to plan how to get out.

"They only contacted me a few days ago. I didn't bring it up because I didn't want you to panic again." He came towards me.

Too late for that.

I had to compose myself before I spoke, "Do they have to come up here though? I mean they should know there's nothing in this territory." I refused to say witch, it might come out weird.

He sat down at the end of the bed, his torso facing me as his hand landed on my leg that was under the covers, "It's a proper meeting between the alpha and I. Where else should I hold it? The diner in the village?"

I could hear his joking tone and in any other circumstance I would have at least smiled. It was comical to think of him standing in some run-down diner. Something I never envisioned him doing however now I begged for that image to be reality. Unfortunately for me it never would be.

"Look I know you don't like the wolves but you won't even have to interact with them." He assured me, "I'm having one meeting for a show of understanding. He knows the witch isn't up here just like I do. It's just a formality."

Oh how wrong you both are.

I bit my lip, trying to figure out how to get out of this. If there was a way to get him not to meet with the Alpha because if he agreed I'd have to leave today. It was too short notice; I had a general plan but nothing was concrete.

"You have to meet with him today though?" I picked my words carefully, nothing could make him suspicious of me, "I mean we have a lot going on today with the upcoming event and I know that you have stuff to sort out and some of the other staff members aren't comfortable—"

"Vada." He cut off my ramble, "What are you really afraid of?"

His tone was more serious now. Not good.

I pulled my eyes off of him, dropping them down to my hands that sat in my lap. My expression could betray me, "The thought of an alpha, any wolf, so close makes me nervous." I kept with what he deemed acceptable.

He sighed, rising from the bed only to sit back down but much closer. His hand took one of mine, "I already said you don't have to worry. They won't be in the same vicinity as you." He repeated, "This is something I have to do. The alpha reached out to me about a witch problem and I think it would be in everyone's best interest to help. Including yours."

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