Chapter 50

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The entire night all I did was toss and turn in the bed. It wasn't because I was anxious to miss a call from Alastor. It was more on the fact that he wasn't here. I hadn't slept without him since I was in Colombia and things were drastically different now. I didn't realize how much it would affect me until tonight.

I knew a few hours had passed because the sky was completely dark now, only showing a few stars. I had been lying in bed since I showered and changed and nothing could make me actually sleep. Instead I stared at the ceiling and mindlessly played with the bottom of Alastors shirt.

My mind was filled with only two thoughts. Where Alastor might be now and my decision on becoming a vampire. I wish I hadn't thought of the second one because as soon as it crossed my mind it was all I could think about.

I thought about if I chose yes what would happen to my magic. How it might change me as a person. I tried to imagine my life as a vampire however it wasn't something I could picture easily. I had no idea what it was like to be anything but a witch. I didn't know how my emotions would change or how I would feel physically. I could only look at the ones I knew and guess. That didn't last long though. They were their own person with different thoughts and mannerisms. I knew I couldn't properly compare myself to them.

My mind rolled over the idea of eternity. I didn't believe any creature could truly live forever. Whether it was tomorrow or a thousand years from now everyone would face death. No matter how durable, each species had weaknesses and enemies. There were just some things you can't run from.

I truly was most concerned with my abilities disappearing however my heart pushed for the one thing it knew would win over my mind. It forced me to see myself in Alastors shoes. If he were human and I a vampire. Then I visualized losing him, whether that be from age or some other tragedy. My mind immediately panicked. My heart ached and my breathing started to feel forced. Within a second I shoved the thought away.

He was here. Alive. Immortal. He wasn't going anywhere.

It was when I caught myself reassuring my own mind that I knew I had made my choice. I couldn't live without him. The pain would be too great. So how did I expect him to live without me?

I also had to consider the moments I couldn't have with him if I chose not to. I only thought about them shortly, not allowing my mind to dwindle on them. I didn't want those to come. I wanted to be with him as long as I could. Even if that meant forever. Even if that costed me my abilities. They would still mean something to me without him but they would be a constant reminder of what I traded them for. I couldn't do that. I would lose my mind.

It was then I accepted my decision. I would turn into a vampire.

I couldn't even imagine the fake scenarios of my life without him. How did I expect myself to make any other choice. I was still worried about my abilities and personality but it was lesser. Being able to fully be with Alastor suddenly meant more to me than the other things. I knew he would be there to help me adjust so I hoped the shift wouldn't be dramatic enough to change my personality. It was a question I would have to ask him as well. He would know the answer to it because he was a vampire. He could tell me how much really changed. That thought alone comforted me. I didn't want to go in completely blind.

My mindset shifted at the realization of my decision. It wasn't as scary; in fact I smiled a bit. I enjoyed the thought of staying with Alastor for as long as I possibly could. I knew he would too.

A loud vibration sound went off from beside me followed by a typical ringtone. I rolled to the nightstand, pushing myself to lean on my elbow as I picked up the phone.

I didn't recognize the number but hit green immediately, "Hello?"


I shoved myself into a sitting position.

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