Chapter 36

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"Vada." Liliana called out from the back of the shop.

"Sí?" I responded, setting down the plastic crate of potatoes and looking towards her.

She waddled my way, her sun splotched arm placed on the shelf for support. Today she had her grey curls pinned up with a clip, her short and fragile body almost covered head to toe. I wasn't quite sure how she didn't have a heat stroke sometimes. She wore a long skirt with a regular shirt that was underneath a thin sweater.

"Cerrar." She said but her voice raise like she was asking a question, "Cerrar, esta noche."

When she came to the end of the isle she waved towards the bars that usually came down from the ceiling when we closed up the shop. Cerrar, close. They sounded similar.

I nodded with a smile, "Sí." I agreed, understanding she would want me to close for the night.

"Gracias el cariño." She smiled sweetly at me.

"De nada."

I watched with some worry as she let go of the shelf and started her way unassisted to the counter. The first time I saw her do it I ran to her side to help her but she was quick to brush me away, laughing and rambling out something in Spanish. The second time I walked her way to help her move across the room her tone was a little sharper. I didn't help her now but I always watched because I would feel awful if she got hurt.

Her hands pressed flat to the countertop as she rounded it, collecting her things so she could leave early.

I racked my brain to try and see if I could correctly ask if she had plans with her family. It was something I had picked up working with her, she was very family orientated. Her daughter stopped by frequently with all sorts of food and she always brought by one of her children. When it wasn't one of her daughters visiting it was one of her two sons, both married with children. They were all nice to me which I appreciated.

"Vas a algún lado," I paused my slow speech when she looked to me, "con tu familia?"

I could hear in my voice how unconfident I was but I forced myself to finish the question.

"Muy Bien!" She praised and it felt like a weight off my chest. She smiled brightly at me seeming as proud as I felt.

"Sí," She answered my question, "Mi nieta tiene un show de talentos en su escuela."

I understood the word show and talentos sounded like talent so something about a talent show maybe? I hardly caught the rest.

"Estupendo." I responded how I thought I should.

I think she saw through my attempt but she kept her smile just as wide as she nodded. When she finished collecting her things she headed out the wide doorway calling out a goodnight that I responded to.

Once she was gone I went back to stacking unused crates in the back, moving some of the ones outside to the front of the store so that when I did close up they were inside. I took my time wiping down the counter and sweeping the floor. In the time that I did that the sun had fallen and only one other customer had come in for a last-minute item. Luckily I was able to communicate with them enough to make the sale and be polite.

I did one last check around the store to make sure everything was in place before going to the front and grabbing the keys from under the counter. I folded the apron that was given to me neatly before placing it next to Liliana's.

She really was the sweetest woman I had interacted with while here. She would help me with my Spanish when we had time though it was difficult considering she didn't speak English. It was a lot of pointing and gesturing until I got it. She was incredibly patient with me and even scolded people when they seemed upset with my less than fluent speech. I couldn't be more grateful to have her help.

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