Chapter 51

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Emiliano waited in the room with me for several minutes. I think he was trying to gauge my mental state to see if I was well enough to leave. After I reassured him he met back up with Manuel at the door who now had a duffle bag.

Like last time I spent the time using my magic to manipulate items in the room. It helped in relieving stress and ultimately strengthened my abilities. The more I used it the more I had control and power. I used this opportunity to do that.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed but it couldn't have been a lot because the sun hadn't rose by the time Alastor was back.

The pen I was spinning in the air dropped when the door opened, again his eyes caught the action then flickered to me. I was sitting on the edge of our bed with my shoes laid in front of me.

I straightened as he came in. My eyes ran over him even though I knew I wouldn't find any injuries on him.

"You're still up." He closed the door behind him.

I nodded, "I couldn't sleep."

The entire time he was flying back and dealing with the wolves my mind had been too riled up. The only sign I was lacking sleep was that my eyes stung a bit.

He moved towards the closet, "You have to sleep Vada," He went in and came out with pajamas, "You'll be exhausted by the time the sun comes up."

I shook my head, "I don't think I can. And what if something happens? I don't want to be in my PJs." It was the whole reason I changed in the first place.

His gaze held on my face for a moment, "Iubire you don't have anything to worry about. The alpha's not supposed to arrive until late in the afternoon. You have several hours to rest before then."

The news settled me a little. I knew the alpha was coming but having the time frame narrowed helped. I now knew I had a few hours to prepare.

"At least meet me halfway." He said when I didn't answer.

"Okay I'll try to sleep." I agreed, "but can I stay in these clothes?"

He nodded, darting into the closet and back out again faster than I could make out, "Change into theses instead." He handed me a pair of thick black leggings.

This I could do. I would still be presentable if I had to do anything but if I did sleep then I could also be comfortable. I hopped off of the bed and accepted the leggings.

"Thank you." I said then pulled off my jeans replacing them with the leggings. I folded the pants and placed them on the dresser for now, "I'm guessing the wolves told you that about the Alpha." I commented as I went back to the bed.

"Yes." He confirmed flipping the covers back for me, "Manuel is getting as much information as possible. I got the most important for now."

I slipped into the bed, situating myself as he went and turned off the lights. The room was almost pitch black now, the moon providing light through the window. As my eyes adjusted I could see his figure walking towards the other side of the bed.

"You're sleeping too?" I questioned as he got in.

"No," he said then smiled as I scooted myself closer to him, "I'll wait up until the Alpha is dealt with."

"You won't be tired?" I snuggled into his side, his arm coming around me to tuck me closer.

"My body doesn't function the same as yours. Technically I could go days without sleep if I keep enough blood in me."

I hummed in response. Despite telling myself I probably wouldn't sleep much I could feel myself become drowsy. I knew it was because he was here.

My head started to feel light, everything feeling like a dream now, "That will take some getting used to." I mumbled out.

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