Chapter 2

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"Here you go honey." The elderly woman's voice came from my left. Her accent was so thick I almost couldn't understand what she was saying but I could tell she was trying.

"Thank you." I smiled, grateful for her kindness.

She smiled back before turning and walking back behind a counter to serve another customer.

My eyes drifted to the coffee in front of me, my hands automatically wrapping around the cup to help warm them.

It was the last thing I could afford to buy and I had to try to stay warm and fill my stomach. Or at least have the illusion that I have.

After two years I had finally run out of money but I was grateful I had lasted this long. The main reason was because I watched every dollar. I ate as little as I could, slept wherever there was a flat surface and took advantage of travel facilities. I also stole several times but I hardly thought twice about it.

I shifted my gaze to the town outside, trying to see if there was a small market around.

The town I was staying at sat right just at the base of a mountain range towards the south of Romania. The part I was in was older, hardly a one block strip that had buildings on both sides of a cobblestone road.

In all the places I camped out in while on the run this had to have been my favorite. It was filled with history that went back centuries, all of the buildings holding generations of stories. They were all stone and old plaster contrasting wonderfully with the tall Adler trees that started up the mountain.

The only bad thing about this town is with old history came old creatures.

They were crawling all over the town, vampires greatly outnumbering werewolves but that meant almost nothing compared to the humans. I had probably counted five since I had arrived and that was days ago.

The fifth was added in when my waitress walked up to the table but the entire diner was filled with wolves. They were easy to spot. They often looked healthier than the humans, much more confident in their stances or walks. I suppose you would be when your one up on the food chain. And if, heaven forbid, they were close enough to me I could sense the difference. Another gift from my abilities.

I kept my head down for the most part, hoping no one would recognize me based off of my appearance. My red hair did nothing to help in that case but most of the time I kept it tied up or under a hoodie though. I hoped if people couldn't see my blue eyes they'd assume I wasn't her so I always kept them casted down.

This was another problem for me. The pack that I had found out killed my mother made it their mission to find me. And though I had some luck in the fact they only told wolves it still made it impossible to settle anywhere. Wolves ran in packs and there were times throughout the year where they would meet with each other, passing new information or hunting plans. Though the news of me was spreading slow it would only be a matter of time before they got the information to Romania.

I suppose it also didn't help that I killed the Alphas mate. It only made him more determined to find me. In my defense I tried to make it natural, a plague casted onto her that made her so ill even her wolf couldn't save her. It was his punishment for the order of my mother's death. An action I don't think I'll ever regret.

"She's pretty no?" I heard a male wolf.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see him staring in my direction but I didn't acknowledge him.

"Ew no she's human." A female replied with a level of disgust.

"So?" the man replied. "I don't have to like her species to fuck her."

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