Chapter 37

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I wasn't sure how much time had passed since the phone call ended but it was enough that I was able to move the couch to the back wall of the living room and curl up on it. I sat facing the door with my arms wrapped around my legs and a kitchen knife on the table.

I kept hearing people walking outside and I was pretty sure they were my neighbors but after the third car door closed I got the knife. It would prove worthless if a vampire came but then I would just have to accept my death.

Part of my mind tried to shame me for thinking this way. And in a way I did feel slightly silly however every time I heard a noise that part of my brain shut up quickly.

My eyes glued to the door when another car door slammed outside, the sound of boots walking close to my door then stopping. My heart took off in a sprint.

Three loud knocks echoed off my door, "Vada? It's Emiliano." He called out.

I let out a breath, my stiff muscles relaxing from their locked position as I got up from the couch. I walked up to the door, slowly removing the chair from underneath the knob then flipping both locks; all sounds I was sure he was examining.

His expression when I opened the door proved my thoughts were correct. His red speckled eyes held confusion and worry, flickering over me then glancing to the chair next to me.

He took a step towards me and I moved so that he could come in. I watched as he looked over the room, his eyes pausing on the knife before turning back to me.

"What happened?" He didn't sound like he was angry to be dragged here. More curious and concerned.

"I had a bad run in with someone and I-I don't know I think I just freaked myself out and look I'm sorry I called you I just reacted at the first noise that spooked me-"

My ramble stopped when he held up his hand, "I smell blood." He stated, looking over me again then pausing on my arms that were crossed in front of my chest, "You're injured?"

I looked to where he was, noticing the scrap on my elbow had reopened. It was staining the sleeve of the white shirt I had on. I didn't even feel it.

"I fell."

"Why are you lying?" He bit out and I flinched. It was the first time I had ever seen him angry. He took a deep breath then spoke again, "I shouldn't have snapped but honestly Vada you're risking more than your ass if you are really in danger."

More than my ass? What did that mean?

"Look you can talk about it on the way," He gestured for me to pass him and go out the door, "Come on."

"And go where?" I still stepped forward.

"I have a guest room. You can stay there until you feel safe enough to return here."

He led me out the door and into the car he came in.

This time there was no driver or staff member meaning he must have just got up and left. Guilt and gratitude filled me.

"It would really save me the biggest headache in the world if you would tell me what happened." He glanced at me as he started to drive.

It seems he really was going to force this out of me.

"I was closing late for Liliana," I started, "and I always walk to and from work so I was taking my usual way back and this guy, Miguel, I hardly know him and I've only talked to him once but he was there. And he had been drinking. I honestly don't know what he was saying and he um he tried to rape me."

I paused when I noticed my hands were shaking again. I clenched my fists against my knees, "I fought him and he didn't but I don't know I got home and it was all I could think about. I had a vampire comment something about the blood on the way back too and that didn't make it better. I know I just psyched myself out."

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