Chapter 48

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My foot tapped rapidly as I waited for Alastor in the hallway. I was standing with my back on the castle wall with my arms crossed in front of me, my fingers playing with the fabric of my long sleeve shirt.

"I told you I'm not doing that," Emiliano rejected.

"Aw come on you always back out," Manuel complained. "Even Theo is saying yes."

"Good for Theo," He replied. "Unlike you idiots I actually remember that if my arm gets ripped off it won't magically grow back."

"Maybe not but Vada can fix it now." Joseph jutted his thumb in my direction.

Robert smacked the back of his head. "You're not supposed to say that stupid."

That set off the makings of a new argument between the guys. Honestly it was entertaining to listen too, they could tease or bicker about anything. Like currently they were arguing about when and how to speak about my qualities. That was the best code word they could come up with. While usually I would be concerned about how openly they were speaking about it I was positive if any vampire were listening they wouldn't understand one single point being made.

Before this argument Manuel and Joseph were trying to plan their next crazy adventure. They suggested traveling the Nile. Manuel made the joke of wrestling a crocodile making Emiliano and Robert back out. I didn't blame them. Even though they were vampires if one of them had a limb completely taken off there was no way to get that back on, especially if the animal ate it.

"Alright so we're at a split," Manuel turned to me. "Nile trip or no?"

"Why are you asking me?" I almost laughed. It was their trip.

"Because you're with Alastor," he said like it was obvious.

Theodore broke his silence. "He's implying that you get to choose whether you and Alastor come, if you do I'm sure they will too." He nodded towards Emiliano and Robert.

"Fine I'll go and sit in the boat," Robert agreed.

"Really you're going to trust he won't flip the boat." Emiliano pointed at Manuel.

I was still stuck on the fact he said Alastor and I were part of this plan. They had come up with it two minutes ago and now they thought we were coming. Or at the very least I was going.

"I'm good," I denied, interrupting Manuel and Emilianos debate on who would flip the boat. "I'd rather not be so close to a crocodile." Especially with the stories they told, I'd be dead before the plane took off.

"You can sit in boat," Joseph assured.

They went back to planning as if I had said yes. "Wait a second, hold on—"

The door opening beside me was something I hardly noticed. I had pushed myself off the wall to invest more in the conversation before I found myself on a plane. It was Alastors voice that called my attention.

He had stepped out of the room a step, his eyes meeting mine then scanning the others suspiciously.

"Hey man," Manuel greeted casually. "Everything good?"

"Yep," his eyes went back to me, holding out his hand. "Ready Vada?"

No. No I was certainly not ready. This I didn't really have a choice in. It would happen whether I was becoming queen or not. I would always want to be with Alastor meaning I had to do this. Luckily the guys conversation had drawn my attention enough so I wasn't as worried however that came back as I made my way towards the room.

My placed my hand in Alastors and he gave me a reassuring smile. Pushing all my fears down I let him guide me into the room.

The woman in the chair in front of the desk rose upon my entry. She turned and looked my way, her dark eyes watching me. They didn't hold any anger or resentment, simply taking me in like I was her.

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