Chapter 7

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For the next two days my priorities were consumed by the event.

It started that afternoon when the supplies were beginning to arrive. Me, Sabrina and a few other servants were instructed to make sure everything was corrected from her notes in comparison to what had arrived.

Then the princess had several of the men start bringing in large pieces of furniture while the others help bring in some of the boxes.

We got about half of them in the ballroom before it was time for dinner. Thankfully she kept on track with that schedule so nothing went into the later hours.

The next day was finishing moving boxes then actually opening them and setting stuff up. I was called closer to the afternoon to go over meal specifics.

The entire time I was helping the princess made it clear she didn't like me. At first it made me nervous but now I honestly couldn't care less. Most of her signs were glares or side looks, some comments here and there but she hadn't even attempted anything psychical.

I honestly thought it was ridiculous she was even mad at me. I had been taken away from her monologue for maybe twenty minutes and not by my choice either.

Regardless I kept my reaction to anything she did to almost none and was polite when she did ask me anything.

The morning of their arrival I was up and in the kitchen by six, already starting on meals.

Currently I was helping put together lunch trays for guests that arrived early this morning. From what I was told they had to option to deny the meal so there wasn't too much to do.

The kitchen wasn't too busy right not either right now either but I knew it would only get worse as the day went on.

"Is that cart ready yet?" Iris asked walking towards me with glasses.

Iris was another maid that I got along with but I we weren't as close as Sabina and I. I only saw her in passing but she was kind enough to smile at me when we did.

"Yeah." I said stepping back from the large cart that would be used to carry the meals.

It had several large shelves and was on wheels making it easier to move around but by the looks of it, it would be a tight squeeze to get it through the back hallways.

"Great. Can you get the ice bucket?"

I went into the large chest freezer, pulling out a metal bucket that made my hands burn from the chill.

Using a metal scooper she added ice to specific drinks. I watched as she double checked every meal with interest. I honestly had no idea how she remembered all the meals off the top of her head, especially the specific requests.

"Okay this looks good." She said more to herself then looked back to me. "Will you open the door for me."

I nodded and went to the main one.

"No the servants door."

I turned around and eyed the cart, doing what she asked. "Are you sure it'll fit?"

She laughed lightly. "It will. I know it doesn't look like it."

Just like she said she pushed the cart through the doorway and into the hall. I was nervous just watching how the sides were less than an inch from the stone wall.

"I'll leave the door open for some extra light." I suggested.

I tripped daily on uneven stones or small pebbles I couldn't imagine pushing a heavy cart full of food through there.

"No need." She shook her head. "Thank you though."

Reluctantly I closed the door behind her, feeling bad for not offering to help but even though I wanted to I couldn't.

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