Chapter 10

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The next morning I was later than normal going to breakfast but I blamed the wound on my shoulder for my delay.

After I had showered I had to take time to properly bandage the bit mark, constantly wincing when I even got close to the skin. It was incredibly tender but luckily it had stopped bleeding through the night.

This morning I had taken time to examine the wound noticing how large the holes really were. I had seen where Cristin and the others were bit and their marks weren't nearly this big. Surrounding the dark dots was a bruise that would no doubt look worse by the end of the day.

I winced was I reached up for a plate, my other hand already holding a cup or I wouldn't have done it.

Mixed in with the pain from the wound was also embarrassment. I was embarrassed way I responded to him biting me. Even the memory made me blush and I hated it.

I wasn't supposed to think he was attractive. I wasn't supposed to enjoy the way his hand felt around my throat, how my stomach clenched when he came closer. And I definitely wasn't supposed to like how his teeth sank into my neck.

This was all backwards and messed up but I couldn't force myself to feel differently.

"Well I guess you weren't in as much trouble as you thought." Eric said mockingly with a boyish smile on his face.

"What trouble?" Sabina asked.

I sat down at our usual table focusing on my food. "I went against a direct order from the king," I explained to her then glanced at Eric. "And I did get into trouble just not the way I thought I was."

Sabina gaped at me. "You—why would you—"

"Princess Amalia ordered her to do something else." Eric interrupted. "I'm not sure why though unless she didn't know. She could be in trouble too."

Sabina watched him as he spoke then quickly turned to me. "What did he do? his highness?"

I froze at her words, not wanting to relay what happened to anyone.

Thankfully I was saved from doing so as someone began speaking to the whole room.

"Listen! Everyone pay attention!" A woman shouted from the front of the room, I turned to see her standing on a chair. "Princess Amalia would like the ballroom to be cleaned up by this evening so everyone's tasks will switch to doing that."

Great, I thought.

The she devil will surely be there to supervise and I'm willing to bet seeing me alive only piss her off more.

I was really more disappointed that I couldn't work with my plants today. I hadn't attended to them this morning and now it would seem I couldn't until tonight.

"Quickly finish and start that way." She spoke again before climbing off the chair.

"So?" Sabina asked.

"Can I tell you later?" I suggested hoping she'd forget.

She nodded allowing me to finish my plate and follow the rest out.

I used the same back hallways that I had the night before, entering the ballroom to see servants already working on breakdown.

Compared to last night the ballroom didn't look as enchanting but I found this view of it better. The chandeliers weren't on so everything was lit up by the natural light streaming in through the large windows.

The best part was there weren't tables full of vampires that only either gave a nasty comment or ignored you.

I quickly blended in with the others, helping pull centerpieces off the tables so that the tablecloth could be removed.

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