Chapter 4

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Yes your highness

I hated the way that sounded. Every bone in my body wanted to spit that word out of my mouth. He was not my king. He wasn't even the king of the wolves and humans but it didn't matter. The vampire race was stronger than the others and he was their leader. Every species inevitably caves to his power.

I laid flat on my back on the thin mattress that was centered in the room I was given.

I went over my decision a million times until I came to the conclusion it was both the dumbest and smartest thing I had done.

It was stupid to agree to stay in a castle crawling with creatures I considered my predator. Stupid to say my skill was gardening. Though at the time it was the only thing I could think of besides cooking. I wasn't even that good at cooking. Gardening however I was excellent at. A dead plant could be on the up take in two days if I truly tended to it.

In truth gardening used to be one of the only things that brought me any type of joy back home. To be able to nurture something to life, watch it grow and thrive into something beautiful or useful always made me happy. Although most of the things I grew back home were used for spells there were times where we had a vegetable garden.

Despite being smack dap in the middle of a lion's den it was the safest place for me. Well safe from the wolves.

Just based off of what had happened in the woods I assumed wolves were not welcome on the kings land so as long as I stayed the Alpha wouldn't even attempt to search here. Besides I doubted very much he'd consider the possibility of me hiding in a vampires home.

That was about as smart as this decision went though.

A knock on the door had me sitting up on the bed. "Come in." I called out softly.

The young blonde from earlier peaked her head around the door as she opened it, smiling brightly when she saw me. "Hello."

I returned the expression. "Hi," I waved her forward, moving to stand up from the bed. "Please come in."

With my matched energy she stepped in the room fully, closing the door behind her.

"I want to apologize for running off earlier," She started. "You caught me off guard by saying the king brought you and then the guard—I wasn't supposed to stray from my duties."

"It's fine." I assured her. "Trust me I don't blame you or anything."

I knew how she felt when hearing about the king and seeing the guard, both men that could easily dispose of her.

I only noticed she was holding something when she walked towards the bed and placed the stack of clothes on the bed.

"This will be your uniform and sleepwear," She said gesturing to the pile. "There are three sets just in case and there are communal washing machines down the hall but I mostly do the laundry."

"Please don't bother with mine," I shook my head. "I'm sure you have plenty."

I could only imagine with the size of the estate how much laundry she must be doing. There were probably so many bed sheets and clothes to do I couldn't let her do mine.

"I appreciate that thank you." She said looking slightly relieved. "Let me know if you change your mind though."

I nodded. "I will," I said then realized I hadn't even told her my name. "I'm Vada by the way."

I stuck my hand out to properly greet her and she eyed it weirdly before doing the same. "Sabina."

I wondered if the look had more to do with no one had actually greeted her before but I didn't dwell on it much. She didn't look like she did either by the small smile on her face as we dropped hands.

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