Chapter 18

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I thought he would bring me to the bed but instead he sat down on the chair that was a few feet from the door. He moved me so that I straddled him.

His hand popped open the first few buttons on my dress then he started to speak, "Since you've never had sex before I'll be gentler tonight. If you consent to it again it won't be the same." My eyes were on his face, "I want you to listen to me fully before you respond, understand?"'

I nodded, "Yes."

He hummed, "That is the first thing I'll address. When we are alone, especially doing anything sexual you will address me as sir, yes?"

"Yes sir." I said quietly. My cheeks reddened at how dirty it sounded.

"If you want to continue you need to know I'm not lenient in the bedroom. You do what I want when I want. No questions and no hesitation. You will pick a safe word and if you use it all activity stops immediately."

This was something I had heard of. Mostly whispers from different towns I have visited. I ignored most of them. I had no time for anything but running.

"You may set your limits. Before, during, or after. You will be completely safe and I will listen when you say it is too much." he assured me and my nerves calmed, "Like I said I won't be doing anything extreme tonight. Would you like me to explain more now?"

The knowledge of a safe word and his promise to listen was enough to make my decision. I didn't know exactly how extreme he was but I was willing to find out. I would be able to determine from there how much liked being with him.

Excitement filled me at the thought and I shook my head lightly, "Can we discuss it after sir?" I wanted to get a taste before I said no. He was too tempting not to.

"Of course." He agreed, "Pick your safe word."

"Red." I blurted before I thought about it. It was the color speckled in his eyes and the main thing catching my attention now.

"You say that when you want me to stop."

I nodded, "Yes sir."

His eyes dropped down to my lips at the words. My lips parted slightly, anticipating him leaning forward again.

He didn't. But he must have known those were my thoughts by the look on his face. Instead one of his hands went to my waistband and I didn't even go to stop him, desperately needing whatever relief he was sure to give.

His hand slipped inside both my pants and underwear without any hesitation. My hips buckled slightly when he pressed down on my clit, a small gasp leaving me. His finger moved down to run over my slick entrance making me shiver. I had never had anyone touch me like this and now I was wondering why I hadn't done this sooner.

"You're soaking wet." He said, the lust in his voice turning me on more.

I whimpered and fisted his shirt when he slowly pushed one finger inside me. It was slightly uncomfortable but not painful.

"Fuck you're tight."

He started pumping his finger in and out of me, sending a spark of pleasure through me. I moaned softly when he pushed all the way in, my hips rolling as his thumb moved to play with my clit.

I panted lightly as he picked up his pace, my eyes fluttering closed at the feeling. I went to pull away when he started to add another finger in, stretching me more than before.

"Hold still." He instructed, his thumb still rubbing my clit making me leak more arousal, "You can take it."

I did as he asked, the slight pinching feeling fading away when both his fingers slid all the way in, starting slow again.

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