Chapter 12

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She didn't let me hear what I wanted to. I wanted her to find some way to say my name. I was curious to hear how it sounded coming off her tongue. It was a weird urge to have and I wasn't sure where it was coming from.

I didn't answer her, leaving the room and closing the door behind me.

Just the thought of what had just happened to her made my blood boil. She looked absolutely helpless and usually I hated that but not with her. She stood there with her usually perfect ponytail completely messed up with blood running down her torn dress and all I felt was rage.

When she confirmed he had attacked her I gladly ripped his head off. Though I would have done it even if she said she had instigated it.

For the greater part of my existence I only saw humans as a meal, never glancing twice at any of them but something about her made me look twice.

The first time I saw her she was in a similar state as she was now, roughed up and fear filled. Regardless of her fear she held her place and faced me head on which was different. Even now there were moments where I knew she was terrified and yet she pushed through.

Her appearance was also something I noticed. The interaction she had been through quite a bit and yet she still looked beautiful. I could tell she hadn't been eating properly by how thin she was but it didn't take away from her beauty. She had the most vibrant red hair I had ever seen and blue eyes threatened to pull me in every time. Recently her figure had filled out a bit more since she was eating on a regular schedule and she only looked better.

Another thing that at first irritated me but now I found interesting was her consideration for others well-being. When given the order for the event her first concern was the others, then she showed that trait again when she broke my rule to help some other girl.

I hadn't even thought about offering her an option until I got close to her vein. Her scent was sweet and alluring. A mixture of honey, chamomile, and a hint of sage. With me being so close I couldn't stop myself from asking for a taste. Her blood was the best I've tasted in close to twenty years and even theirs wasn't as good.

At first she fought me, instinctual actions pushed through by fear and pain but when I felt her sag against me I pulled her closer. I almost lost all control when I heard her soft whimper in my ear. I hadn't ever had anyone react that way to my bite, most exhibited signs of intense pain through the entire thing. I wasn't sure why she had reacted that way but I was glad she did.

I tried to focus as I entered her room. That task became hard as I was bombarded with her scent.

Walking to the small dresser I pulled out what was considered pajamas for the servants then I grabbed a change of underwear before leaving. There were bathroom supplies already in the guest room.

I ran back up there quickly, "Bring me a tray of food and a large glass of water." I instructed the guard by the entrance way of the royal hall.

"Yes your highness." He bowed and immediately started towards the kitchen.

I opened the door slowly, pausing a bit when I saw her asleep in the bed. Her hair was pulled out of her ponytail and now sprawled out against the pillowcase in waves. Her small body was curled up as she laid on her side.

As quietly as possible I closed the door behind me, walking over to the end of the bed and putting down her clothes. I glanced to the ground when her shoes had literally been kicked off, probably as she climbed up.

I knew she was exhausted but she'd have to eat and change before I left her to sleep for the night—well day I suppose.

I walked to the side where she was closest to and sat down beside her. I reached out to touch her shoulder and shook her lightly.

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