Chapter 26

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"Okay okay that's enough." I tried to calm down, gasping for air through my laughter.

"No wait one more." Eric tried.

"Nope talk about something else." I stopped him.

For the past ten minutes he had been making jokes about my sex life. Nothing he said was true but he had made some pretty good jokes so I let him continue, adding in here or there which made him laugh. While I found amusement in the exaggerated lies Sabina was beet red and even Cristin had blushed a little.

The only reason I remained unaffected is because I knew the truth and nothing he said was even close to what I was actually doing. I'm fact most of it sounded boring. Vanilla I guess.

I finally was able to calm down and take a few bites of my dinner, "I can't believe you're not effected, even I blushed." Cristin said my way.

"The prince is probably kinky in bed." Eric raised his eyebrows at me.

I threw him a mock glare, "I'm not with the prince will you stop saying that." I corrected. This rumor had gone on for long enough.

"Well that's not what I heard." He joked.

"Well that's what I'm telling you."

"So it's a guard then?" Cristin asked.

"Guys what does it matter?" Sabina piped up, "no offense." She said the last part in my direction.

"None taken."

"Just curious I guess." Eric shrugged, answering Sabina rhetorical question, "but no problem we'll drop it."

I held my gaze on him a little longer, noticing he meant what he said. My eyes went back to my food when he decided to speak again, "So on to my sex life, I've been averaging low lately."

"So did not need to know that." I responded.

"Can we talk about something else?" Sabina almost begged.

"Why does it make you embarrassed?" He smirked in her direction.

Definitely not earning him any points.

"We could talk about the next event?" Cristin offered to change the subject.

"It's not for another week or two." Eric shot it down, he looked annoyed at her suggestion.

I knew he hated when events would come up, all the girls were talk about planning and decorations. Everything he deemed boring.

"But this one will be the best one." Sabina took her chance, "His highness enjoys this one the most, at least he seems to like those guests more."

"So there like his friends?" I asked.

Alastor hadn't really talked about his friends. He had mentioned that he had a few but he didn't give much away. It made me wonder how close he was with them. I valued having relationships like that, more than I did in the past. I couldn't imagine not having that now.

"Somewhat I guess." She shrugged.

The rest of the meal was filled with conversation about the last event much to Eric's annoyance. Though in a way this was their way of payback for his original topic of conversation.

When everyone was done I made sure to go slower than the two girls.

Eric and I were walking into the kitchen when I spoke, "Sabina looks better with her hair in a ponytail than a bun right?" I asked nonchalantly.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as he fumbled his plate to the countertop, "What?"

"I said Sabina-"

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