Chapter 24

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Walking up the steps to his room I pulled the hair tie out of my hair, running my fingers through it to break up the braid. I knew my hair would hold much more wave than usual but that was okay. Not knocking to go into a room was extremely foreign to me so I barely tapped on the door before opening just the left one.

As soon as my eyes caught his though my thoughts shifted completely. I was always excited for whatever he had coming however there were times I was nervous at first. I suppose the unknown made me nervous. I knew he always explained things before and I had all the power to end it but still.

He must have heard my heartbeat pick up some because a small but definitely noticeable smirk appeared. He was standing next to the bed however he started my way when I came in.

"How was your day?" he asked with genuine interest.

I smiled lightly in appreciation for his consideration. "Pretty good, yours?"

"Boring," he responded as he placed his hand on the small of my back, gently pushing me towards the bed. "I want your opinion before we start."

My head was slightly tilted up to see his face better but as he gestured to the bed I turned my attention that way.

I looked down at the stuff he had laid out not having to wonder what he'd use some of the items for. There was a bundle of rope and handcuffs next to a black blindfold which meant I would be restrained as well as having my sight cut off. Next to them was a bar with two straps that looked like it would hold something bigger than my wrists. Below that was a white vibrator that was shaped like a microphone but what caught my eye the most was a small dagger.

"Everything is new and had been cleaned," He informed me what I already knew. This was a conversation we had when we first started. He asked if I could choose between red, black, or pink what would it be. I said pink and the next day he ordered a plethora of things for us. It was strange but he said it was necessary, sanitation wise.

I was more enthralled than anything else, especially with the knowledge a knife was now going to be used. This was another thing he explained. Knife play provided physical and mental stimulation during a scene. He hadn't used it before and I never labeled it as a limit. The sight of it wasn't enough to make me say no.

I felt him come closer from behind, his front brushing against my back. "Is there anything you would like to remove?" His voice still calm, reminding me I did have a say.

I shook my head softly. "No sir," I said then halfway joked, "As long as you don't plan to cut me open."

He let out a deep chuckle and I sucked in a breath when he fully pressed against me, one hand latching onto my hip while the other one helped move my hair off one side of my neck. "If I wanted a drink I have a better way to go about it."

To prove his point I felt his lips land on the side of my neck, right over my jugular. Blood rushed through my veins and I hoped he would, my body warming simply at the thought.

"However intriguing that might sound right now those are not my plans for tonight," he continued, his warm breath fanning over my neck. "If there are no concerns let's start, yes?"

"Yes sir."

With my confirmation he stepped back. "Turn around." His tone shifting to hold a level of authority that made me want to drop to my knees.

Spinning slowly so I faced him now, my blue eyes meeting his red speckled ones.

Instead of asking me to strip like he did last time he started to remove my clothes himself, popping open button after button on my dress then sliding it off my shoulders making it fall to the ground.

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